Our ToJ Chapters


New Member
I'm kinda concerned about our chapters that say its active, being inactive.. (Get it?) anyways i think somethin has to be done.. I'd hate to see our chapters just go down like that.. Can't we just recruit more people for the chapter thingy? Personally i think StarCraft is done for.. but Warcraft III and others have a chance.. well atleast the website isn't as bad as StarCraft chapter's is.. lol So.. what do u guys think??
i agree with you

but lots of ppl have to be willing to keep things going

it's like each chapter is its own clan, needs leaders etc
Yeh.. but its sad to see some chapters that are just falling apart.. We need some teamwork to finish this and get it worked-up again.. I'm on, but I'm not sure who else except rizz and the leaders.. Rizz has notified u guys already, but ToJ NEEDS UR HELP! to make the dying chapters come bak!
I play starcraft a lot, but I dont know if anyone in TOJ plays cause I dont know if anyone in P.C.C. is from TOJ.
There usually isnt anyone there anyway except late at night for me (EST).
If you want a staff position take a look at the staff page and email me if you see something u want to do.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flash @ June 18 2003,2:26)]Personally i think StarCraft is done for.. but Warcraft III and others have a chance..
Aaactually, we still have several members who play and enjoy a game of Starcraft once in a while. The problem is finding people dedicated to re-shaping the web site, recruiting more members, and scheduling events like game nights.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]well atleast the website isn't as bad as StarCraft chapter's is.. lol

I assure you, the Starcraft web site was properly shiny back in its day. -_-
Im thinking each chapter should set up some sort of Game night once a week/month to have everyone get on and have some fun. Maybe even monthly tournaments like cs has been doing to keep people active. Also making a list of everyone who plays in the chapter with there in game names accesible would help so you could set up friends lists and such on diffrent games.

Im gonna be getting the Frozen Throne on the 1st as our a few people perhaps we should start there set a game night for like mid July and have some fun.
Well it is the responsibility of the chapter leader to sort things like that. And most chapters dotn have leaders...
Where are all these new members going? The main page is full of them - what chapters are all these guys and gals signing up for?
Speaking of signing up, when i reregistered a while back I put in stuff like email, Aim and what chapters I wanted to be in and most of its not on the roster should I resubmit or just email that kinda stuff in?
IF there is a new leader (instead of me) in StarCraft chapter (since i don't hav it anymore..) then i can help all i could to rebuild the website for that chapter.. I'd like to see it shine again
You should be able to edit all your personal details via the web interface. If you have problems then email me saying what you want changing. And notifying plank of the problem may be godo too.

As for the websites for chapters.. Web monkeys take the inititative.... draw up a stie in full and email it to me and the chapter leader zipped up... It may be just what the chapter needs.
I think the Quake 3 chapter is done. I offered to start a server , and didn't even generate interest.
rgr i think that too. i was gonna ask you to take leadership of the q3 chapter but i dont see that theres much point. we should just let it die.

The mohaa chapter has new leadership now and hopefully will become alive again. Please check the staff page though if you can help in any way email me and tell me what u can do.
I see myself officially becomming the "server guy" at least for TFC anyway (since tfc has the votes 9-0).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (rizz @ June 30 2003,5:26)]rgr i think that too. i was gonna ask you to take leadership of the q3 chapter but i dont see that theres much point. we should just let it die.

It's a mystery why it's been so difficult to get the Quake 3 chapter built up--especially when Rizz first took over the chapter and was hard at work on making it an awesome home for Christian Quake 3 players.

I hesitate to shut it down quite yet. I'd like to take one more shot at recruiting and see if we can breathe some life into it.

BUT I am totally down with the idea of a Tribe of Judah TFC server. I have a friend here in Tulsa that might still be interested in co-leading a TFC competition team, and I'd like to be on the roster as a backup (I'd be lead offense if my schedule would allow it), so let's see where it goes.

Oh, and I can send the .CFG files for IGL and TFL competition play. *blush* A few months ago, I, uhh, spent a few hours setting my computer up as a makeshift TFC server. I can run a 12-player TFC server any time I throw the switch. *G* You know, just in case we ever need a backup. My ISP doesn't look kindly on hosting servers.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ July 02 2003,9:14)]Oh, and I can send the .CFG files for IGL and TFL competition play. *blush* A few months ago, I, uhh, spent a few hours setting my computer up as a makeshift TFC server. I can run a 12-player TFC server any time I throw the switch. *G* You know, just in case we ever need a backup. My ISP doesn't look kindly on hosting servers.
Thanks for the offer, but I already setup the configs for it. This is the current setup I have which should be satisfactory.

TFC Clanbattle mode (secure server version 4111)
16 players
VAC enabled
Custom stats tracker (built-it myself)
AdminMod (version 2.50.52) with name reserving and clan authentication enabled

Maps rotate through all the CTF maps (most popular)

I need to play TFC i have it setup now but dunno any servers... get this one running..lol