op cga

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Just letting everyone know that channel op cga is open and ready for all members of the Christian Gamers Alliance community (this, of course, includes Tribe of Judah). This is our new official channel, so please spread the word!

Guys do not neglect clan ToJ though because i try to keep a message of the week up for everyone and its a good way just to see whats going on and stuff.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (LionOfJudah @ Nov. 12 2003,10:50)]Guys do not neglect clan ToJ though because i try to keep a message of the week up for everyone and its a good way just to see whats going on and stuff.
Yes! Listen to your chapter leader!

Clan ToJ is still to be used for clan events and clan members should check the channel each time they log into Battle.net with Warcraft III. I do not mean to say that op cga is the only channel to be used by Tribe of Judah members but rather that it will be the central meeting place for all Christian Battle.net gamers and their guests.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flash @ Nov. 12 2003,5:31)]Does that include other Bnet channels? give the word and i'll spread it throughout SC community as well
op cga is the official Battle.net channel for the entire Christian Gamers Alliance community, regardless of whether you play Starcraft, Warcraft III, or any other Blizzard game. So, yes, spread the word to everyone: op cga is our new home!
We have a home.  hmmm,

<-- Look at me do the dance of Joy.

Happy, happy, Joy, Joy...ooo, joooyy!
It is indeed a great joy to have an active home channel again.

Thanks to the many people who have stopped by the channel over the last few days and, don't forget, the housewarming party runs late into the night tonight (Saturday, November 15) and maybe even early into Sunday morning.
I usualy stop in there when ever in on battle.net ive seen a few starcraft players and usualy a bot or two on east.