Online Application woes


New Member
I am filling out an online application for a part time job and I am having to do a questionnaire about how I react or think in certain situations. There is one question on there that I thought was funny.. cause I wanna give the honest answer.. but it's my theological viewpoint that makes me disagree with the statement.

"People are generally good."

haha, I'm sure you can see why I stumble a little on that one. Cause we are all depraved and sinful and have turned against God. But of course I can't say I "Strongly Disagree" with that statement even though I do (on a theological level). So.... "Strongly Agree" so I don't look bad trying to get this job. /facepalm
What if the person who reads your application is a Calvinist and hires you on the spot for disagreeing?

rofl. In my perfect world that would be exactly what happened! Cause then I'd prolly be working at a church which would be AWESOME! :P
See this is the exact reason why I hate online applications (and the reason why I don't get many jobs) I'll take anywhere from 1-2 hours filling out side stuff on an application. For example if I had that question in the same answer format I'd write a paragraph about why I chose that answer over the others and why it's a terribly loaded question.
See this is the exact reason why I hate online applications (and the reason why I don't get many jobs) I'll take anywhere from 1-2 hours filling out side stuff on an application. For example if I had that question in the same answer format I'd write a paragraph about why I chose that answer over the others and why it's a terribly loaded question.

The personality of your little Nixon avatar next to your name fits very well with what you wrote here! haha!

"That is a loaded question! *slams fist on podium*" haha
I am filling out an online application for a part time job and I am having to do a questionnaire about how I react or think in certain situations. There is one question on there that I thought was funny.

"People are generally good."

Is that the Borders' one? I seem to remember that question from one of my application.
So many of these questions are so general and non specific that it makes them almost impossible to answer without clarification as to what they mean by see terms. What do they mean by "good"? Do they mean people are intrinsically "good" or do they just mean that in general people will help another person out when they are in need of some kindness. Obviously those are two different questions (and I would argue the answer to the first possible meaning would greatly impact the answer to the second possible meaning). I agree with Simonedes. I would have to write a paragraph or two just to explain my answer. :-) I would probably try and get clarification before I even answered it. I can just imagine that conversation lol. Anyway, don't know why I went this long on this. Maybe I think about things too much. GL with the app Bill!
I used to do hiring and store opening for a retailer, and the tests I had to make applicants go through had these type of questions on it. Many of these questions were designed to ask the same thing in different ways to look for inconsistency in the applicant's answers. They had to get a certain score to be considered employable, and a certain higher score to be able to handle money or eligible for promotion to assistant managers/head cashiers. (Only the best of the best got to be T-shirt captains, but that's another story.) I was told that, while they do look at the answers themselves, a lot of the time they are just looking for consistency in your answer (to be interpreted as honesty).

I never really liked it.
I figured that was what they were doing. Cause it's 12 pages with 12 questions per page and they are asking the same types of questions over and over. I'm pretty good about answering consistently. haha.
the question is designed to see if you are "personable". someone who does not think people are "good" will treat everyone with suspicion and in all likelyhood provide poor customer service...

but on the otherhand... I hate that you almost have to "lie" in order to get a job... it is a flawed system... as as flamethrower said... they design the test to make you screw up... see if everytime you answer a question about say stealing, that your answers are all on the same side of the right/wrong coin
Is there an option for "Hulk SMASH!!!l" I'm sure that's the real answer they are looking for.

T-Shirt Captain is a lie!!!
but on the otherhand... I hate that you almost have to "lie" in order to get a job... it is a flawed system... as as flamethrower said... they design the test to make you screw up... see if everytime you answer a question about say stealing, that your answers are all on the same side of the right/wrong coin

They designed that test to get a more accurate depiction of the applicant, asking one question many different ways is one way to achieve that. All they want is to get an applicant who will make a good fit within the company.

I/O Psychology ftw XD