One of those days

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New Member
Ever had one of those days.. well im having one..And its not lasting a day.. its going on

Nah its not that bad, im just at a really low point mentally and physically.. the spiritual side is starting to get pulled down by the rest. Could you all please pray for me that i will find release in the place i am at right now. Main areas to pray for are my job (which is a dead end and everyone there fears getting laid off daily due to massive staff cuts, also pray i find a good job where i can use some of my skills), my social life which is being affected by shifts on my job.. and a bunch of other stuff..

to top it all my pc has died due to a hardware failure. i have sent it to the shop but it could get pricey cos i think the mobo or the cpu is shot. if i have to fork out for that it will reduce my chances of coming to the cga convention. please pray that God provides in this situation and that everything gets sorted.

My finances are being tested at the moment cos i promised to give a certain ammount at a large offering we are having soon. i think hes trying to see how little money i can have and still give said ammount...o_O

isnt life fun
*nod* Prayers are going up now. Honor God and I'm sure He'll make a way for you to get to the convention if that's the desire of your heart. We certainly want to see you there, too, Rizz.
Oh man. Definitely. We serve an Awesome God. Let us know how things go. Hopefully you will be able to make the Convention.
thanx for the support guys. i had a real good time with god today and am feeling better about myself. wont know about the pc for a few days yet but i hope i can cover it. As for the job and other stuff.. God will move me when hes ready (or more likely i will get sacked since half of the factory has gone already and they are looking for more)
Just an update: my pc has nothing wrong with it !!!

Apparently since my cpu is newer than my mobo it can wig out occasionally and needs to be reset by putting a lower cpu in and sorting the bios. but then the original cpu and settings can be restored with no worries. This is likely to happen to me again but im not terribly concerned at the Just thank god that ll i have to pay is the diagnostic charge
part 2 of the solution: i finally got laid off at work. I am going to take a week off and then hunt for a decent job. Luckily i have saved enough for the cga convention already and the lack of pc sapping my funds has meant its all good

its funny how god works sometimes.
Oh wow! That is so cool. It's great when God even touches our lives in little ways like with our computers.

But sorry you got laid off.
ARGH I WANNA GO TO CONVENTION! er oh well. glad all is working for u rizz
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