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Prayer Angel, Moderator
Here's as much as I can give you for now. With a bit of help, it has been put in my heart that this is what I am supposed to be doing. So for the format and what I'm thinking should be added and such. Please feel free to comment or to add suggestions or ask any questions you may have. Also please bear with me as I will be out of town for a few days so my response may be a little slow. And sorry but this is a little lengthly.

My church has it set up in our prayer box for nation and the world; church... including sister churches and specific church areas in the church and alphabetically for the church members( this could be just those subscribing to the newsletter, toj, ccg, or etc people for us to determine); recovering or receiving treatment; and other needs. I would like to expand on that to add:

First a speicific prayer for each week ...... where both those of us more involved with the letter and those of you who would like to volunteer would make a prayer to start the newsletter off.

Second out temporary pastor before we called a new one had us praying for peace in Jerusalem or Israel..... in regards to the passage in the Bible that says you will be blessed for praying for their peace.

Third would be Catagories set up like Asked, Answered, Updates, Praises, and maybe specific needs ( like travel, peer pressure for our younger ones, and cooping with issues like depression and grief).

Fourth I would like to make an area for Private Prayers with just a list of names or signs and no explanations. The reason I would like to do this is shown in the following example:
Pretend Rizz and I are buddies who've been playing CS together for awhile and we have fun etc. Unknown to Rizz I am carrying a heavy burden and do not ask for help or prayers etc which is what a lot of people do. God is good but He put us here for fellowship too. So say Rizz reads his newsletter and sees my sign on the private prayer list. Again there will be no specifics on this part of the letter just private prayers. So Rizz sees me in game later on and may just ask how I'm doing, or say he's praying for me, or maybe even ask if there's anything he can do or help??? Again I may not share with him or maybe I would be it is good to know someone here on Earth cares enough to just be there. I've had this experience awhile before I joined here who knows maybe one day I'll share. I think this would help tie us together more as a "Family in Christ" and help to build trust and unity here and maybe even help move the mentoring program forward a bit.

My only other concern is that there would have to be a deadline for additions for the next newsletter to come out. I've been told we may want to start this with every other week for now but I feel weekly letters may work better for our needs.

I appreciate any ideas you may have to make this better etc but I would ask that you share in a nice way. I really need more of the building up then the tearing down at the moment and all prayers to help me have the wisdom and understanding and patience and etc needed are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this long post.

Blessings "Angel"
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