Officer Meeting


New Member
Hope every one's Christmas was exciting and wonderful.

Looks like we will have an Officer Meeting on Friday 28 Dec 07 at 6 pm server time. I would like all that are Officers or interested to be a on Team Speak for meeting, this way it would be easier for ALL of us to communicate and discuss ideas. Some of the ideas that I would like to talk about is our new Officers, the positions I need filled, ie Bible Study, Events, and Recruitment, also I would like to talk about a possible or not of a low lvl guild so that they can help each other better, if or if not we need to restructure our rank names since we are going to have 3 GMs (1 Leader, 2 Co-Leaders) all with the same authority as the others. So I would like your commitment in making MSC strong showing in WOW. My feeling is that if we come together as God would have it to be then there shouldn't be much to work out. So until Friday be safe and may God bless each of you.
There on time... or so.

That's 10 pm Ohio time. I have a Christmas dinner to go to.... of course. I should be back by then. If not by 10 I WILL get on as soon as I get back and get on Tm Sp. I look forward to updating the info on the guild site, whoever is in charge of that. I saw Xion on the other day, he's been gone for a while. Is he still the webmaster? Plus, another thing I would like to add somewhere on the guild site or forum is a guild list WITH alts. Or, is there an add-on for this? I feel like such a newbie asking who's is who and writing it down. For example, what about the new people joining? How would they know who's who? Just a thought. See whoever is on tonight at 10(Ohio time) or so. I will be on even if a little late.

Keeping the naming game easy,
