Objectional songs?


New Member
There are alot of songs out there that don't necessarly have profanity, but messages in their words that may lead people in the wrong direction. I was looking through MP3.com for some techno groups, and I found one called Unreal. One of thier songs I downloaded called "Solo para ti" is their biggest hit. It has great vocals and a really catchy piano beat, but there may be problems in what they are saying. There is a monologue at the beginning of the song that may be refering to New Age statements, and they constantly say "wrong is right" throughout the song. I really struggle with knowing if songs like these are ok/not ok for Christians to listen to. I really enjoy Christian techno, but its so rare to find. Heres a link to the song. You need a MP3.com account, but its not hard at all to get.

Solo para ti

Let me know what you think. Thanks
Just listen to trance. It's like techno, but no words and many more beats per second. If you still want some words though you can listen to rave. It's still like techno with fewer words and more beats per second.

God Bless
Or, just to be safe, you could burn every CD in your house. Careful not to listen to them first - some of them have hidden messages that might make you shoot yourself...

If I find something that distracts me from my relationship with the Lord, then I throw it out. That doesn't mean throwing everything out, because not everything is a distraction. Make intellegent decisions, don't follow foolish advice.
Now I listen to all kinds of music, Metallica, System of a Down, Tool, Disturbed, Limp Bizkit (questionable title...), Barenaked Ladies, Alanis Morisette, Creed, 3 Doors Down, Puddle of Mudd, U2, Nickelback, Sevendust, KoRn, ACDC, and other bands, just for starters.
Many of my harder rocking bands, such as KoRn and System of a Down, have very violent messages in them, for some. KoRn frequently mentions suicidal thoughts in their songs. System of a Down has one rather violent song, Sugar, where he mentions people coming after him to beat him down, to suck out his own "m___g" brains. Disturbed has one portion in The Sickness where he rebels against the beatings his mom is giving him and begins to beat her instead.
Very violent songs, but I haven't done anything in them. I'm not afraid of suddenly being seized to buy a gun from Sako, or to kick my girlfriend around, or to slash my veins open, or to beat my mom.
Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff is a super-violent song, how he is having a really bad day, in so many swear words, and how he's getting so mad he wants to break a person's face in if they keep messing with him, and such stuff.
I don't want to. I'm not compelled to. I don't listen to System of a Down's first CD that much, just because it was so far worse than Toxicity. A lot more swearing, a lot more hate, a lot of that. Chop Suey is nowhere near the spectrum that Suite-Pee is.
I don't think my music affects my relationship with God, but it can at times. I only blame myself, not the music. For me, music is hardly influential in making me worship the world or to worship God.
And I rarely listen to Christian music. So I can't really say that Christian music is altering my relationship with God. I find it annoying, really. So I tend for more worldly music, which I actually find more uplifting, more cleansing, with nicer beats and better songs. But that's just me.
The only way I burn CDs, Eon, is on the disk burner. Heheheh. Just to be on the safe side. And that's a very sarcastic attitude to take.
I'd say to anyone who would listen to music like that, that it seems so wrong. If I remember correctly there are cds by disturbed with pentagrams on them, how can you sustain being the Godliest you can be when you enjoy things are that of the bad of the world rather then the good of God? Occultish Christian, theres an oxymoron if theres ever been. I mean really, didnt you get the message, isnt this really just easy to see? It cant be right. Why would God support anything that gos against His Kingdom, His very purpose? What you see is what is in your heart, and your soul, and that obviously gos for the ears as well. Do you want God in your heart, or would you rather be full of hate and other things of evil, such is the way of alot of the music ultima mentioned, and there is much more where that came from. Just because you dont actually do those things doesnt mean they arnt in you. Christian music is a good music to listen to, God needs praise, you cant worship to anything with lyrics of horrific or even satanic proportions. You may not realize it but it really does hurt your relationship. I mean, God is a tough guy, can kick Him, spit in His face, bash Him with a club, and He wont be hurt. But when we sin, when we do things that arnt of God, thats when He sheds a tear, when the people God loves do something against him. Anything that doesnt represent something of God, I'd advise anyone to discard it. There is nothing too extreme within our power to do for God, but there is a limit to how far we can go.
True enough.
But if you also notice: Disturbed's Believe album also has the Jewish Star of David on it, as well as a rightside-up pentagram, meaning it's not in the "Satan Stance" as I call it. So many people are whacked. Because of some idiots using a star to symbolize a goat's head and calling that Satan....errrrrrr!
I don't think God supports my choice of music, but to me, I need music. Music is a necessity in life. You know, rock has some very good messages in it. System of a Down's "War?" has a rather interesting tinge to the end of their song: "Of war, we don't speak anymore"
Very interesting, that. That song was covering the Crusades. Hrmmm.
God doesn't approve of many things that man does. And with good reason: it is sin. But still, we enjoy it. I enjoy my music. Some songs I don't listen to, just because I know that they are far too against God, I feel like I'm going to hell when I listen to music like that. But at other times, I love this type of music. Hard, fast, hateful. I dunno. It's just good to listen to for me. Sure, call me a hypocrite. Hate me, for all you want. I can't stop that, but I like the music; even if it would infringe on someone's relationship with God, at times it doesn't on mine.
i agree with shark that we must be carefull of the things we let into our lives.
i know how you feel about your music, as i also like the same style of music but i dont listen to the worldly bands anymore.
Instead of listening to a band because some of their songs dont have an anti-God message, look for those bands that love the Lord and still performe the music you enjoy.

There is very good christian metal out there that has the same intense sound without the "hate" and a lot of times you cant tell its christian untill you read the lyrics.

IM me and i can point you toward some bands that im sure you'll enjoy!
aim: nicklew689er
icq: 160625314
Y: nick_lew
Ultima: Shouldn't God be number one in all the things you do? Why would you risk an eternity in hell for a season of "good" music? You said it yourself- God probably doesn't approve of your music. But you have to make the decision which you need more, God or the music?

I don't want to make it sound like I don't struggle with anything, because I do. Its just that I try my best to get closer to God, and if that means giving up things that I enjoy, I'll do my best to do it.
True enough...but I like my music.
I'm sure that God hates some music I listen to, and hey, I don't listen to it either.
And I'm not all about metal. I'll go for the lighter rock, like Barenaked Ladies, and if you listen to them, they are really good and have zero hate in their music, and no cussing. I love Barenaked Ladies. Foo Fighters are cool. Nirvana is cool.
I just like my music. I don't think I'm going to burn for my taste in music. I might hurt my relationship with God, but I highly doubt I'll burn for it. My relationship in God is not as strong as it could be, but I don't attribute that to David Grohl, or Serj Tankian, or David Draiman. I attribute that solely to myself.
And Christian music's cool. Believe me, I've gotten some tips from one guy here on Christian music...and I've checked out some for myself, but there's just so little that I can really get into.
ah, well, why not listen to Christian music then?

Relient K
OC Supertones
Five Iron Frenzy
Audio Adrenaline
Sanctus Real
The Benjamin Gate
Toby Mac
Stryper (classic 80s rock... mmm)
Mercy Me
Rich Mullins
Nicole C Mullen
KJ-52 (rap, sounds like eminem)
Jeff Deyo
Jars of Clay
Third Day
Hokus Pick
12 Stones
38th Parallel
David Crowder Band

theres stuff in there for every single taste of music, and if you need, you can run a quick Google search and fine a truckload more.


great online radio stations (Air1 is more not-heavy rock/some pop) for Christians

theres alternatives to the secular music that the world pushes upon us.
I know of them...so many parodies on their song is it One Week? Weird Al did a parody and so did ApologetiX. Speaking of which check out ApologetiX's website they do pardodies of many secular bands Eminem, Bare Naked Ladies, Blink 182, Nickelback, Shaggy etc
ApologetiX....their Papa Roach song is worth crap. The thing about them is they're pretty lame. They just take songs and resing them, but if you've heard them before, you're not thinking their lyrics, you're thinking the old lyrics.