Noobs need some group time....


New Member
Hi All,
as a noob to ToJ and to WOW, i would like to see some of us lower levels get together to accomplish some of our quests or to enter some of the battlefields and/or dungeons and/or mines so that we can begin to develop our group raid/fight skills.
of course i don't even know what that looks like because i have essentially only done solo stuff. However, i have looked over my son's shoulder and watched his lvl 60 Mage participating in huge 2-3 hour instances with his guild buddies, each knowing their particular roles and working together with great success.
it does look bewildering to me and seems hard to keep up with what is going on... like who is healing who and when... and the many other nuances that i cannot even see are actually happening but they are or the group would not be as successful as it is.
Any and all help from the more senior among us would be great but i understand that to come back down to work with those of us at level 10 to 40 is probably not too much fun. still any suggestions as to how we can get this underway (if others think this is a good idea of course) would be greatly appreciated!!

What do you all think?
aka Cyntris lvl 19 priest
The best way to get it done is to invite people who are close in level to do quests/instances when they are in game. just start the group and go for it.
Draaco is right. Dive in and invite people who are close to your level in the guild.

I helped a couple of guildies in Redridge finish some elite quest. I dropped out and they went on to darkshire. Questing is more fun the more Redeemed your group is.
I agree questing alone or with non-guildies is not quite as fun as when you're with guildies. I'm looking in the near future to see some organized events for the current low levels or even some of the seasoned players with alts get involved and teach the "noobs" how to play their characters most effectively.

We have many lvl60 chars of each class with experience to help everyone out.
I agree Paddy. Next time I see Cyntris on I'll send you a message. My mage just hit 19 and would love to group with you. I have lotsa quests I could use help with.
Unfortunately there's rarely enough on at the lower levels to even make a full party for that dungeon. Then you have to hope they're all not people who never say anything or respond to tells.:p So you kind of have to hope that a high level will run you through. If you're like me though that ruins the experience though.
Icthus said:
I helped a couple of guildies in Redridge finish some elite quest. I dropped out and they went on to darkshire. Questing is more fun the more Redeemed your group is.

Yes, and it was VERY appreciated! You da man Icthus!!
Paddy, I'm still rather new as well, and also would love more guild groups, look me up anytime you see me around, I could use a hunting partner or three :cool: Especially since I'm brand new to WoW and really don't know the land or the good hunting spots well yet.

-Haddon, nearly 18 paladin
Berean Todd said:
Paddy, I'm still rather new as well, and also would love more guild groups, look me up anytime you see me around, I could use a hunting partner or three :cool: Especially since I'm brand new to WoW and really don't know the land or the good hunting spots well yet.

-Haddon, nearly 18 paladin

When you hit 20, hit me up on Sandric and we will get you your uber pally weapon.
I will definitely help out on the Pally weapon quest if I'm around when you go. That is one of the most fun quests of all my experience. I'd also love to go through VC a few times with some of the other lowbies.