Noob Questions: Stats and Abilities


Staff member
With the aid of the mighty Google, I've been able to figure out what all the different stats do. I know what primary stats are for each of the classes.

But there are two things I haven't figured out, and Google keeps showing me stuff I already know rather than helping answer my questions. So, care to set the record straight for me?

First: Does each ability have its own stat used to calculate its effectiveness, or does it compute this based on your class's primary stat? Trooper's primary stat is aim. Cunning is used for tech powers. Would something like Cryo Grenade (which I would think to fall under tech power) do its math using aim (class primary stat) or cunning (used for tech powers)?

Second: If abilities use stats independently of the user's class primary stat, is there a list somewhere that tells you which stat is used (or how) by a given ability? I've yet to find such a thing.


Bonus question! Does all of this apply the same to companions? I have a healing companion with me (Elara Dorne), and her primary stat is aim like mine. However, if she's all tech skills all the time, I don't wanna equip her with aim tech if she needs cunning tech.
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In my reading of skill sand such, it is the primary stat for the class which is most important. So you want to boost your primary stats as much as you can (AIM with the Trooper and Bounty Hunter) and boost your secondary without sacrificing the primary. You can get additional boosts through the talent tree, but specific stats won't boost specific skills as far as I can tell. Same works for your companions.

This site will give you a priority list for your stats based on what you're build is focused on.
Thanks. That's what I was getting in my precursory readings, but I appreciate the straight answer. :)

I'll check out that link now, too. ^_^