News Report: Foetuses found at Bogota airport

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News Report

Since the story refers to possible satanic origins, I figured this would be the best place to post this story. This is sad, sad, sad. I pray for those who had a hand in this disgusting atrocity. :mad:

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Wow. I am appalled, and it takes a lot for that to happen.

However, our faith has roots in the bloody sacrifice of animals as reconciliation for our sins. That such rituals could be perverted by some religions to include humans is not outside the realm of possibility, and sadly, this is not unprecedented behavior in human history. I'm also not certain that they were going to be used for "satanic" rituals. They could be used for certain outlawed practices in Santaria (Voodoo), for example.
This is very gross and disgusting. Please do not post any more directly about this. I am editing the link and references out since this violates the ToS.

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