News from Bloodfall


New Member
After 2 and a half years I feel like it is time for me to move on from WoW. Not an easy decisions I love MMO's and WoW has been an amazing game. the best of the game is when you and friends are playing through new stuff togther. Although Kara has been doing that for me my favorite thing to do is level. Having done that ( hit level cap with three toons horde and alliance) and level various toons to various levels, I am simply "done".

I was pretty unhappy with WoW's decision to go with rep grinding to extend the life of the game but that is only one of many reasons I leave. The real main reason is that I have finally found a game that delivers as WoW has and in many ways - more. LotRO: Shadows of Angmar

Playing LotRO has revitalized my excitement for the genre and brought me a fun and fresh new way to play the type of game I love with friends I know.

Well wishes to all in Redeemed who were nice enough to accept me and my friends here. Good luck to you as you move on through end-game.

Interested in LotRO give me a tell on Arkenstone, my name is Tul and an alt is Saridyl.

Peace and prayers to you all.