Newer Raiders Run?


I apologize if this has already been discussed at length in another post.

I was just wondering if there were plans to start training new people for raiding.

The reason I ask is because even though you can get better gear faster, it doesn't mean you have learned how to raid effectively.

I am by no means a pro raider - I really enjoy raiding and it is tremendously satisfying to succeed on difficult fights.

But I have been in some pugs and some groups even in Redeemed where what we have breezed through when we have experienced raiders - we failed to down even the most simple boss fights. So I see a need to train some people in some of the more elementary raids to improve their effectiveness.

Obviously things like 25 man ICC is not where people should be getting their first raid experience.

So what I am asking is if we could schedule a new to raiding night for people who want to learn to raid and hit up some of the easier raids like Naxx, VoA, and OS to help give people the confidence to succeed at the more difficult stuff. Also to ensure that people have the right addons, enchants and learn what gear is for their class before they hit the so called big time.

I think overall this would lead to a larger pool of available raiders, and less frustration for those who want to be part of progression.

I won't just ask about this - I will volunteer to lead one of these if needed - although I am fairly new and just a member so I don't know what the policy is - but I would like to see this scheduled rather than just a random thought.
1. You can always go to to learn the fights before hand. Even if Redeemed strategy is different then Tankspots, at least knowing about the fight will help you tune into what aspects of the fight to be aware off.

2. Understand your class. Learn every aspect of it, it's weaknesses, its strengths.

3. Use addons during raids that are meant to help you do your job. If you are a healer and defensive dispeller, addons like grid with clique will make your job a lot easier. If you are dps'ing grid and clique may not be the tool but something that tells you when to move out of mellee range, or when to use an interrupt may be more appropriate. Addons that do not help with raiding would do well to be turned off during raiding. Anything that causes client side lag can cause heals to land late, interrupts to land late etc...etc..etc..

4. Come prepared with food, fully repaired, flasks as needed.
I certainly agree that are things you can do to prepare yourself - but it is like school - theory and practice must converge and unless you experience it first hand you'll never really get it.

I think the prime example of this is Naxx when you must do the dance of danger - you can watch the video but it wasn't until I actually ran it that I understood how you avoid the poison blasts
Sneezy, under "Raiding with Redeemed" ( we have some write ups on what we do with certain raid nights. With the holidays, with the recent transition to new content, and with guild elections, we find ourselves in a bit of an in-between stage. We also do have plenty of new mains that have just hit 80, so this is a good point and something to really focus back on. Below is how we were trying to handle raid nights before all the changes started happening, and with new leadership coming in everything could be evaluated and updated. Otherwise, Avesther's comments are right on.

Raiding with Redeemed: What Days do I have the best shot at getting a slot for in a Redeemed Raid?
Friday nights are our "open invite" raid nights. We typically will do Naxx-25 (or one or two Naxx-10 runs if we don't have enough people for 25). Raid selection is made by /rolling to fill in the necessary mix of classes and roles.
If there's a Tuesday raid ... Tuesday nights are after most instance resets, so most raids will see freshly reset content. How a Tuesday night run will do depends on the raid leader and who all is available. However, because of the "early-raid" content likely to be seen, there is some possibility of some slots being open.
If there's a Thursday raid ... Thursday nights are very difficult to characterize. Sometimes, they will see advanced raiders trying to crack open an new instance as clear as much as possible. Sometimes, they will see raid leaders introducing a new team to early content in a given raid. Often, it will simply depend on what's been cleared and who's on that night.
If there's a Monday raid ... Monday nights typically see the guild trying to push already-started instances as far as possible before raid resets. So, these nights tend to be the most focused and selective.
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If you're looking to gear...its all about Heroics and ToC

If you're looking for actual raid experience, do ICC heroics, Naxx, and OS. We usually try to have a kick-back raid once a week for newbies, especially since we have a good amount transferring over or coming up in the ranks.
Pneuma.. this is a really good idea. We have tried on different occasions to officially set up raids to like NAxx and such but always had a hard time getting enough people to say yes at the specific raid time. Evean (Ellijah) just posted something similar but it was for the "weekly Raid Quest". This might be a good time to get a group and do more than just the 1 boss that the weekly quest is for since you already have the group together.

This past week our group went ahead and did Sapphiron and KT. Warien also lead a group and did Eye of Eternity this week. There might have been some others also this week.

I encourage anyone in the guild that is willing to run Naxx, Ulduar, OS, EoE. Get a 10 man together and go. If you see myself or any activity coords online, ask them if they might be willing to go/help. If we have time, we just might be able to but don't wait for one of them to set all of it up. They are running our progression raids during the week so the off raids, they are looking for other people to step up and lead them. They might be willing to help but we need others in the guild to volunteer. I have already seen some people stepping up and doing this lately. Keep it up the great work folks.
I would say f'or now on out when I am on and we don't get enough people for a progression raid I will also take a look at running some 10 man Naxx, OS or even just a 5 man of some sort to help people up and coming on gear and experience doing the "raiding" atmosphere. I will start making this a point if we don't fill a raid or I am free.
Supplemental suggestion: The RL know who doesn't quite cut it to be raiding ICC - once we are a little more stable in our raiding committment (difficult to do during December) - maybe we could schedule Naxx - OS - EoE - or even ToC at the same time as the progression raid.

The reason I suggest this is that way no one is left out of the raiding experience if possible (except for their own lack of effort), it seems to me like we always seem to have several 80's on who just aren't ready - or are intimitaded by the requirements of progression raiding.

There is only one concern I have for my suggestion - we don't want to turn it into a gear your alt raid that takes away from the progression raid
Supplemental suggestion: The RL know who doesn't quite cut it to be raiding ICC - once we are a little more stable in our raiding committment (difficult to do during December) - maybe we could schedule Naxx - OS - EoE - or even ToC at the same time as the progression raid.

The reason I suggest this is that way no one is left out of the raiding experience if possible (except for their own lack of effort), it seems to me like we always seem to have several 80's on who just aren't ready - or are intimitaded by the requirements of progression raiding.

There is only one concern I have for my suggestion - we don't want to turn it into a gear your alt raid that takes away from the progression raid

True. Just as an FYI...on any of the nights I have been leading...I've only ever left 1-3 people behind. If there's enough...say 6+ left on the list with tanks/healers there...ill suggest they form their own group for something more gearing oriented. Since we have just barely been filling our groups this has not been the case.

Over the next few weeks as more guildies gear and skill up...we will see more progression.
I am 100% interested in a night to help new raiders gear up and experience the content with a Redeemed flair. I know there are several other experienced members who are willing to assist as well.

Antarctic | Kirastraza |Stormcrow