New raiding policy


New Member
I love it!

For a couple reasons:
1. It was fun, but getting discouraging raiding on an alt and having to take a backseat on the loots. I'd like to bring Redletters up to current raiding if I can, and I think eliminating the main/alt thing will do the trick.
2. Giving the raid leaders the power to bring what they need will result in a better raid. I hate to exclude anyone, but it can be frustrating when some vital buffs/talents are sitting in wl add because we had to be random. Fill the vital spots first, then maybe go random after that. This will also bring back some of the "bring the class, not the player" side of the game that I've been missing. I feel like lately, Blizz has been taking the 'roles' out of their role-playing game.

Great job with this, and thanks to our raid leaders who make everything possible!
I agree, also this will help cure another issue as well. Peeps may be concerned that they will not get picked because of quote favoritism, or not geared enough,, what have you.. but this system actually takes care of that..

Peeps that casually raid will get to go on all casual raid nights.. great chance to get gear because most veterans dont need most of that gear anymore,,so newer 80's or peeps that cant raid all the time will get the gear..

Also the peeps who are more raid progression minded will have the chance to go with a group that will have the best chance of being successful in end game raiding..

Everyone wins!

Now if casual raiders want or feel like they should be able to go on progression raids, all they have to do is get with there class leader.. if they are not available get with the raid leaders, they have expressed the world over they are more than willing to help..

this will help get those that are not veterans the knowledge and steps they need to achieve vet status..

This is a great system the raid leaders have put into action, and from what i hear they have a lot more things coming soon that will improve raiding even more,,

This will help our guild grow and become stronger as a whole...

May the Lord bless Redeemed in abundance.. amen!
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I agree it's a great system. Give the Raid Lead more choices on how to make a raid work...there is no room for favoritism for those who think there is. Plus, where did that mindset come from? I know the leaders discuss and talk things over for whats best for the guild and specifically with raiding. IF there was any hint of favoritism i know someone would catch it and fix it. It's not just one person putting these things together. Yes Mcfierce is the raid lead and yes he is allowed to mold a group according to what content we're doing but there are other leaders/officers wathcing him do this. Im 100% positive they have Redeemed in mind as a whole. If certain people are left out because their gear cant handle the content....there really is no excuse for that. Farm heroics and you can get all kinds of gear. It's not a favoritism's a im ready to handle this kind of thing. I wouldnt let a person wearing a bikini climb mnt everest. Especially if it wasnt gemmed.... :p

Good job leaders for all your hard work talking things through and getting things moving :) Angry you've been doing a wonderful job! Hopefully i can come more once my schedule settles down some. Yay school and work...