New Members Information article

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I want to put someone in charge of compiling an article for new members explaining how to get involved with Tribe of Judah.

When someone enters a group as large as ToJ, they can feel lost amidst the crowd and I want to ensure that we make every effort to make new members feel at home.

The article would cover such topics as:

- Finding ToJ members using GameTiger and other utilities
- Instant messengers: where to download them, how to install them, and where to go to get contact information for ToJ members
- Contact information for selected staff (i.e. leader, membership administrator, chapter leaders, newsletter editor, FAQ maintainer, web development project leader, others)
- How to get involved on our forums (very important!)

Of course, everyone's free to contribute what they think would be useful. Since I started ToJ and see it from a leadership perspective, it would be especially helpful to hear from members and hear what they wish they had known right when they had joined.

If you're interested in putting this article together, then please e-mail me at I'd like to put someone in charge of this before this week ends.
I've been working on a far here is what I have

Welcome to the Tribe of Judah. In an effort to strengthen the ties between our members this guide has been put in place to give new members a starting point to get involved with ToJ. We will cover several topics in as brief ammount of time as possible.

I. A Note About Unity
II. Finding Fellow Members
IIa. Through Instant Messaging
IIb. In Game
IIc. In The Forums
IId. Internet Relay Chat
IIe. Steam's Friends Feature
III. What is ToJ/Christian Gamers Alliance, how do they relate to eachother?

I. A Note About Unity

In an effort to promote unity and a sense of kinship among members of the Tribe of Judah, we ask that you prefix any name that you use in a game with ToJ | PlayerName. This helps us identify new members, and it helps new members identify current members.

II. Finding Fellow Members

In this section we will cover how to locate, among other species of ToJ'ers, the elusive Tek7 using a variety of mediums.

IIa. Through Instant Messaging

The complete list of ToJ member names and Instant Messenger names, including Yahoo!, ICQ, AIM, and MSN is available at <a href=""></a>. You'll notice at the top you can narrow the list down by chapter and even sub-chapter. This is very useful for finding a <a href="">CS Server Admin</a>.

IIb. In Game
A simple click to search for ToJ members is all that is required. Navigate to <a href="">this location</a> and you will find a list of all ToJ members that are online in a variety of games including all Half-Life Mods, BF1942 and UT2K3. To locate ToJ members on you should be in channel Public Chat Christians. If nobody is there, the bot in there will respond to the command !allseen, which lists the last people seen in that channel.

IIc. In the Forums
You can view the complete memberlist for the forums <a href="">here</a>. If you wish to speak with ToJ members only, we have our own set of forums as a sort of subsidary of the Christian Gamers Alliance, located <a href=";c=14">here</a>. We strongly encourage all ToJ members to make use of the <a href="">main CGA system</a> of bulletin boards.

IId. Internet Relay Chat
Internet Relay Chat is the oldest form of internet communication, it is what effectively allowed people to pioneer the internet very quickly. Its prestige is exceeded only by its resilliance, given it is still a viable means for communication, and obviously my favourite. To connect to an IRC server you need an IRC application. My recommendation is to use <a href="">mIRC<a/>. It may seem confusing at first, I (QuePasa) can walk you through the steps necessary to connect to the proper server and channels if you get confused by my directions. For my own sanity I will do my best to decribe in detail what must be done. To set it up so you join gamesnet and go in to channels #toj and #cga follow these steps. By the way, you can use it for more than 30 just nags you with a registration page every once in awhile.

1. When you first start mIRC you will be prompted with the options page. Enter in whatever you wish in the desired fields, most important are the nickname and alternative fields.

2. Now select "Servers" from the left hand selection tree. Open the top scroll down menu and locate and click on gamesnet. Under the second scroll down menu select the location you would most like to connect from, east or west. FYI it doesn't matter that much, chatting takes so little bandwidth and your message hitting the server 50 ms sooner doesn't make much difference, unless theres a trivia bot running.

3. Now select "Options", which is right under "Servers". Check the "Connect on startup" box and the "Reconnect on Disconnection" box.

4. Click on the "Perform..." button. Check the "Enable perform on connect" box. To the right of the drop-down menu hit Add. Locate and add gamesnet. Make sure that it is the active Network in the drop-down menu field. Now type the following in to the large text box in the perform on connect window. "/join #toj,#cga" without the quotes. Hit ok. Now close and restart mIRC.

5. You will be prompted with the options screen again on next startup, you may just close it. In 5 seconds or so you should be IRCing away in #toj and #cga.

IIe. Steam's Friends Feature
With the advent of steam, I feel this is a necessary measure. To add someone to your friends list you must be in a Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam-Powered server. Then while in the game hit escape and click on Player list. You should see an option that will allow you to scroll down and select someone and add them to your friends list. I cannot go in to much detail about this as I have not totally tested it out yet.

III. What is ToJ/Christian Gamers Alliance, how do they relate to eachother?

The CGA works a lot like the United Nations, it is where many christian based organizations, not just gaming teams meet. Although most if not all have something to do with gaming. A simple browsing of the forums will show you how many different organizations belong to the CGA.
Excellent work, Que.

When you have the time, please put together a final edit and send it over to so he can post it to the ToJ web site.

It seems to include everything we'll need to help introduce new members to ToJ, but I might slap a foreword on myself. A sort of "word from our leader" thing.

Again, looks excellent!
Many thanks, QuePasa.

This will make it much easier for new members to get involved. I'm still planning on writing that foreword for new members to be included with the article, but with my current work schedule, I might have to write it at work instead of at home. *chuckle*

We do need to include a section for volunteering for staff positions as well. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to let you know, Que.

So far, it looks terrific!
Bleah...that deadline came and went, sorry about that. I'm working on it as we speak, and it will be done in an hour or two.
So you joined Tribe of Judah, now what? Sit back and enjoy the ride? Of course not! Getting involved is what makes ToJ the thriving community it is.

<u>The Basics:
Finding People Playing Games</u>

The vast majority of members play Half Life so browse to and search for []. Select the desired IP address returned in the results and connect to it either by adding it to your steam favorite servers or punching it in the console. Steam's friends feature is also a great way to communicate and locate members of ToJ. Find the official messageboard thread of all ToJ steam user names at;t=15.

To find members playing on join channel Public Chat Christians and type !allseen. This will return the last 10 people that were in the channel. Although all of them are not members of ToJ, they will know who you are when you mention ToJ.

Finding People over IM Services

Instant messaging is a great way to quickly contact member of ToJ. The entire list of instant messaging nicknames is available in the roster at The suggested IM client to handle all of these protocols is Trillian.

Internet relay chat is another of our available mediums for communication. We reside at in channel #toj. Our IRC client of choice is mIRC.

The Forums

We encourage you to post at As a gesture of courtesy please do not "spam" the forums. There is a specific section for things related to ToJ. We also encourage you to make use of the Christian Gamers Alliance Forums with issues relating to all christian gamers.

Get Involved!!

Become a staffer! We're looking for people to revive dead chapters. Browse to and look along the left hand side. We need leaders for those chapters that are inactive and forming. Stay tuned to the CGA and ToJ General Discussion forums for "Help Wanted" posts. The ToJ CS server is not in need of any more admins. If you feel the need to get involved in the absence of "Help Wanted" posts, drop an e-mail to
As a note, I think the second version is much more sophisticated and easier to read, without the mindless clutter that I'm prone to mixing in. Please please please post suggestions and/or additions. I want to be able to point fingers toward at minimum two other people when someone come out and finally says "that sucked".
Looks most excellent.

I'll want to give it a more in-depth look, make some final, and pass it on to Rizz (to distribute when new members join) and Plankeye (to post to the Tribe of Judah web site) when finished.

Of course, if I don't submit a revised draft in a few days, I might just skip those edits and have it posted and distributed anyway. ^_^;;
Hrm? Do you mean that you edited your original post? Or that you edited it and am going to e-mail the new version?

I'm confused. ;_;
Okay, got it, and saved it to text. Now I just have to either fix my printer or buy a new one...or break down and read through and edit an article using only my computer.

