New edition to my family...


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Her name is Sirius. Shes 8 weeks old and we got her last Sunday. Shes a miniture Collie (remember Lassie?) Isn't she cuuuuuuuuuuuuute?!?!

*pssst* Bug Elite untill he buys a dog for his wife
awwwwww! I want it! We have a border collie/lab mix or somthing like that :p We got her from some people who found her on the street a year ago. It's my sisters dog though, I asked my dad for my own dog, of course he said no. =\

And ex, you stink man. Cats are awsome. Sure they're not as cool as dogs. But cats are fun. We have 5. We have this one cat. It's like 30 pounds or somthing, the things HUGE He is also really annoying, thats really the only cat I dont like.

I'd have to say I my rat is more fun then my cats though. My turtle is pretty cool to. Then there is also the 2 degu's, tortoise, 2 snakes, guinea pig, and horse =\ lol
X.X (too many mammals in one house...)

We have a cat and her name is 'Ash'. I call her 'Dumb Ash' sometimes when she makes me mad.

Well cats and dogs may stink, but Ferrets LITERALLY stink. Why do they stink so bad? They are fun, though.
My sister got a ferret a few years ago, then after a year I got another one. Mine was thee WORST little animal in the world, I dont think it used its litter box once, it bit, it got out of its cage, uck. Then my sister's ferret learned how to be mean, we sold them both. Ferrets r0x0rz. Just not mine =\ Rats are really cool though. Hamsters/guinea pigs, other small rodents dont remember who they're owner is =\ rats do, and you can teach them tricks, they are like miniture dogs
I'm thinking about getting another soon
I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to own a rodent for a pet. I would rather own 100 cats (and I despise cats) than a rodent.

Dogs, now dogs just plain rox0r.

cute dog para.. i have one too.. we got her when she was the size of a brick, and now she is 50-55 lbs.. she is cuter than your dog though
!!.. she be a mutt.. not quite sure what is in her.. her mom is a huskey.. but yeah.. dogs r0x0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. i wish i could go horse back riding though.. that is fun.. and now after that little rant.. i have one conclusion
DOGS r0x0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  w00t
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheElite @ Feb. 13 2003,10:02)]I call her 'Dumb Ash' sometimes when she makes me mad.
lol thats funny elite

i like other peoples pets but i cant hadle them in my house all the time, too many messes and bad smells.
You got a beagle? Nasty! Lol sry, I cannot stand beagles, or toy dogs. My dog is better then a purebread
Cuz it has 2 breads instead of one
Believe it or at one time we actually had over twenty cats, before that we had ten dogs at one time. Now were down to one cat that is semi-evil and 4 dogs. Were only sure what one of them is... we think. Mini pom, strange animal.