Hi everyone! I am an avid fan of the franchise for Dark Souls. I've played all of them, but never finished 2. Anyway, I've been dying to go through Dark souls remastered, however I'm having some qualms about the boss fight with Queelag. I was wondering how everyone feels about her, and if you feel God is okay with us engaging content like that?
I might be being scrupulous here, as I don't consider the context (setting is blight town) to be overwhelmingly sexual, but she is practically exposed minus those two threads of hair covering her front side. How do believers feel about this? Is it technical nudity or not?
Hi Debrilliant,
I'm female, so I can't speak to how visual nudity might affect male believers on a personal level, but lore-wise and Bible-wise I don't think there should be an issue.
If I recall correctly, Queelag (the spider-lady, right?) is an evil beast you have to go to a lot of trouble to descend down to fight in her lair, not just some questionably dressed trollop one might randomly pass by while going about other not-evil-fighting types of business, and I think something like this is actually explicitly covered in the Bible in the story of Jehu vs Jezebel, that evil can't get away with using immodest attire to escape judgement by making good men feel tempted or uncomfortable.
So as long as the visuals don't cause you problems personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with going through with that fight.
Now after the fight, you might come across Queelag's sister, who is also similarly unattired, but she's not something evil to fight and she has some serious mental health struggles that as far as I know can't be helped by the player, so a Christian man probably shouldn't be spending any more time with her than necessary.
But even in her case, she's specifically positioned in a transitory space between dark plague and fire+brimstone and surrounded by parasitic larva and can't speak of much other than anguished torment, plus she's a spider with some human parts, not an actual human, so there too I think the nudity is clearly more of a philosophical rather than sexualized context.
Unless there's stuff that manages to affect men on a visceral level that I can't discern from a woman's perspectives, I don't think there's much actual sexiness in the Dark Souls world to worry about.
EDIT: I went back to watch video of the fight to remember more details, and Quelaag is like over 90% hugely vicious and grotesque fire-breathing demon-spider, and the very small remaining portion that's a bit prettier is not something you'll get much time to gaze on while she's in a frenzy trying to rip off your face and drown you in lava. So I think a man would have to have some pretty niche taste in women to struggle with finding some kind of allure in that.
I was wrong, however, that the player can't do anything to help Quelana (the sister). Apparently offering some humanity to her bonfire can do some things I won't spoil here. But she remains blind and diseased and miserable, so I'm pretty confident her nakedness isn't meant to be sexual. It strikes me more like the story of Job sitting naked on an ash heap during his afflictions, which seems symbolically fitting for its placement at the end of Blight Town.