need prayer

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New Member
Hey guys i really need a job.. i just dropped off an application today.. plz pray I get the job I really want to work christian friend told me that they were expanding and would be hiring soon.. i've prayed and I feel that god wanted me to apply there.. so I did.

Also about what happens with the truck I was given.. that everythings all cool with it, etc, and the dude is keeping it in his name.. so I hope he's not a jerk about he has been with stuff in the past.. (my moms ex-boyfriend from like 8-years ago.. me and him still talk..) anyway, its kinda wierd because last summer god told me I would get a truck for 500$, and now I have a truck for free, but I need to fix it up a little bit, and will cost me a few hundred dollars, and then spend a bit more making it look nicer.. but yeah
praise god.. i just need a job now to help my mom out with bills...(it aint lookin good).. and for my truck insurance.. fixing it.. and pretty much everything.. as well as to help pay for the .fls. server.

thanks guys,
god bless
-teh pilgrim
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