Need Help with Kara Key


New Member
Uziah, Kailly and myself (xsamurai) have all started on the Kara quest chain. We will be needing some help with the instances. The first one from my understanding is Shadow Labs. We typically are in game around 9-10pm server time. Can anyone give us a hand???

We would appreciate it!!!
Uziah, Kailly and myself (xsamurai) have all started on the Kara quest chain. We will be needing some help with the instances. The first one from my understanding is Shadow Labs. We typically are in game around 9-10pm server time. Can anyone give us a hand???

We would appreciate it!!!

/em applauds wildly.

There ya go.

Seriously, when I get back in town on Monday, I'd love to help you run it.
I will help u with the key quest, for i am stuck with still trying to get thru black morass which is the last step for khara attunement, but of course i have been busy with my grandma but she is stable for now and i will be playing more than i have been, so just give augustious a holler. guys already have a tank in the group. I'm a tank. 2 tanks in those instances isn't a good idea. Therefore....

/cheer from the sidelines!