need help making GW spoof


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
alrighty im working on making a spoof, only im useiong GW, however i dont know anyone else in RL who owns the game. i need someone who has an ele with short dark hair, and pyromancer clothing, and a normal build warrior. now i will be video taping everything with my camera shooting my moniter, but if theres an in-game video feature i missed, please tell me. and if u want to help me do this, that would be much appreciated. just post here or pm me
well the thing is, i need footage of both the Ele and the Warrior side, so wild bill, when we do this if you could also do recording on ur end and then send to me. would u be willing to do that?
update: ok wild bill helped me get alot of good footage, but hate to say it bill..... remember that video i wasnt able to get to play?? its all corrupt -_- , but the stuff when we were figthing outside frontier gate was still good, just the beach run and the dancing were all screwed up. :( im gonna be gone for the weekend but when i get back hope u get to help me again with ur sexy W/M ;)
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Atown speaks truth! :p <breaks out bottle of Chrevasier, a la Tim Meadows, the Ladies Man>

Anyhow, what do you think the problem with fraps was, and can you fix it?
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i think what may have been happening was i would switch out of guild wars while fraps was going to check on the vids right? i think that wasnt closing the footage properly, thats the only answer i can think of since at least 1 clip works........
hmmmm i'll have to remember that, maybe GW episode 2 ;-)