

Active Member
well i was looking at that loot and its just insane! the guns in there lvl 60 beat almost ALL of our hunters weapons! the c bow is at 67.5 dps! thats atleast 1.3ish above anyone elses its insane!!!!!
so im going to get attuned for it when i get back on! whos with me!!!
Hey Galations, only problem is, the attunement is a pretty gritty rep grind with AD, and it's tough to get motivated for that rep grind at this point. Alternatively, you can buy your way into Naxx for a fairly hefty chunk of change (like 300 g in gold and mats at Honored AD I believe, unless something changed post BC). This is probably the easier way to go now, but it's still prolly a fairly tough 30+ raid, so lots of folks would have to buy in. Not sure thats likely to happen.

But .....doing Naxx actually sounds fun to me, so if others are game, I'll be there before too long. Currently hitting lvl 47.

a/k/a Meltaway....46 Lock
At Honored, the payment is 30g, 2 Arcane Crystals and 1 Nexus Crystal....or 2 Nexus? I forget. It's not TOO bad but that's at Honored. Lots of rep grinding if you didn't do all the quests for EPL. Plus we don't know how many people can get that attunement so Naxx is probably on the backburner of fun old world raids.
well fine ill go find another guild to run with but the gear in there thats lvl 60 pwns alot of the 70 gear so im going to try for it later!
Probably not but you know Gal, it's probably best to start at a lower raid instance like BWL before we go to Naxx. Ony's not really a raid as it is just a time for some fun for us now. But like I said, we're still discussing old 40 mans among the officers.
Naxx is a long ways off, even if we start doing more 40 mans, it will still take a good chunk of people with the good gear and on their a-game to go into Naxx with any success, you cant pug 10 or so people together and knock it out like ony hehe
Just a quick FYI they are buffing all weapons and armor next patch so people won't be wearing 60 epic gear over 70 epic gear.
I just want to see naxx and get the tailoring patterns that I earned but never got to. + frost resist for the win! LOL
My old guild went into Naxx last week for resistance patterns they felt they needed for uh....drawing a blank atm on the next BC 25 man after Gruul. (duh... I been in STV too long now too remember much of anything meaningful...)

We had just gotten into Naxx and downed the first boss when BC came out and we abandoned it. But they felt the best place to get some resistance gear patterns (pretty sure they said it was patterns) was a little ways into Naxx. They're currently the top raiding guild (both factions) on their server.

Anyway, for what it's worth. Still, I cringe at the thought of having to work up my AD rep for that though on Meltaway....(<<------let's out primal scream at the thought of it!!!!!)
True, the resist patterns are needed later, but i am not sure if casters need them. I didn't get to go with my guild when they downed Hyrdoss in Serperent Shrine Caverens. Also, Gruul's Lair is the first 25 man. Magtheradon Lair is the second. Serpent Shrine is the third. Tempest Keep is the fourth and last until patch day.