My Vision for ToJ

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Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
Ok this is just my idea of where i would like to see ToJ by 2005. i havent talked to tek yet infact it hit me this morning in the shower so, it is all things i personally would like to see. with that said here we go

Membership to be upwards around 1,000 or so. Dream big and you should get Bigger. Dream small and you get smaller. i think this number is "do-able" with ToJ growing as it has been over the past few weeks.

Full Server support, for all games. this goes with Full sponsorship.

Full Sponsorship of ToJ, for servers, webspace and everything else. Which means getting the sponsorship package done, and getting it into the hands of the right people.

Change from a game orientation to more of a friendship orientation. instead of us meeting just to play games and everything, the members of ToJ would maybe meet and just talk (aim, msger, Teamspeak w/e) about life and just encourage one another and we focus more on our walks than on the games. (mentorship basicly)

just some ideas that i personally have, and think we could do, for the benefit of everyone, and who knows, one day we might be the Microsoft of Christian gaming groups
Actually, this is largely what I have planned for this year. Shifting our focus to ministry, spearheading the Christian Gamers Alliance ministries, and hooking up with sponsors are all part of my plans for this year.

I'll write more on this soon.
My 2 cents...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Change from a game orientation to more of a friendship orientation. instead of us meeting just to play games and everything, the members of ToJ would maybe meet and just talk (aim, msger, Teamspeak w/e) about life and just encourage one another and we focus more on our walks than on the games. (mentorship basicly)

Hmmmm...well, so far in my experience with ToJ, what you describe is pretty much happening already and ToJ is well on its way towards that goal. I'm in the Q3 and UT chapters, and while there's never been enough of us (or motivation enough) to get any kind of a team together (not to mention division on what mod/game type to play), we spent the rest of the time jawing away about everything else, be it with each other or other ToJ members.

My personal experience with ToJ has always been that it's a community of christians who are joined by their interest in games. The games we play have never really been the driving force behind ToJ but rather it's been the community itself, that there *are* Christians out there who won't look at you funny when you refer to "Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Punch" or "up up down down left right left right A B B A Start" in the course of a conversation. ;)

Having said that, I don't think the "game" focus should be forgotten and replaced with something else. "Friendship orientation" should be added to, not replace, "gamer orientation". Things are already heading in that direction (Mentorship/Prayer Request Forum) and friendship arises naturally out of shared interest and games anyways, right?

If people wanted just solely support, friendship, mentorship, etc., there are places for that, and most certainly better served in the real world at a local church or youth group (I realize that not everybody has access to those things too). But people come here because of the friends they've made or because of the shared interest in video games and shared beliefs (or in some cases because of the novel idea of a bunch of Christians who congregate together to play video games). Openess, mentorship, learning, discussion, encouragement...this all grows out the relationships that members create with each other, and the catalyst for all that is social interaction that happens around video games.

Again, I don't think there's any danger in ToJ losing focus, and I don't think this is what you meant by your original post (or maybe it is?), but I just wanted to point out that I think ToJ would better serve by adding to and enhancing what has already begun to grow out of the clan and it's members, not replacing it with something that doesn't "fit" and forgetting its roots.

Again, just my two cents.


PS - oops, sorry for the long post, didn't expect to rant on like that!
Thank you both for the great feedback! I encourage anyone who would like to post their own vision for ToJ for 2004 to do so in reply to this thread.

I'd planned to take a chunk of time to sit down and write out my vision for ToJ in 2004, but I'm just trying to stay awake and healthy today. ;_; I might be delayed a few days while I take some time to sleep and recover...
I moved this to the prayer forums so that people can pray for the vision Tek will bring and that its totally from God.

Without vision the church perishes. CGA and ToJ will continue to grow under the fantastic leadership we have here.
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