My son

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Hey folks, my son's been sick for a few days, an I took him to the doctor's this morning an it turns out he has Strep throat.

Plz pray that he recovers quickly

Thanks an God bless!
Praying.. hopefully your son will be healed fast
just an fun update.

well it seems that my son gave my wife the strep throat.

as well, about 30 hours or so after his first dose of the anti-biotics he was back to his usual pill self. It pains me to no end to see him suffer from sickness, but i gotta say, he sure is loving while he is sick, he just wants to sit on a lap an sleep.

Please continue to keep my family an I in your prayers.

Thanks and God bless!
actually that's the interesting thing. I never got strep.

Last weekend my wife an son were supposed to go to Atlanta to see her brother an his new son, while i went to Orlando with the teens from church.

The weekend before last was when my son first started getting sick, an both my wife and I held an loved an hugged, etc, him basically the same amount (possibly me even more since I sleep way less than she does), while she got strep an I didn't.

I'm thinking it was just God's way of keeping my wife home for the weekend
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