my new siggy

Is this siggy cool/funny or dumb?

  • Cooooool....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That's dumb.

    Votes: 9 52.9%

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters
well no matter how many votes for dumb I get I'm still keeping it... :p

I couldn't believe it when CCGR asked the original owner to change it to a non-alcoholic sig. I mean, it's a pirate. Sheesh.
is that why it looks like "Don't touch the umm."

anyhow, it's not bad, I just wanted to say it was dumb.
it'd be better if it said something like "I'm teh P1r@t0rz! PWN! ROFL!" or you know, something.


(I don't have a cursive font in my photoshop, and PSP won't open so grrr)

I maybe can get cursive on it after work tomorrow morning :p
he's not tough enough to be a pirate.
I mean, face it. Chuck Norris's father was a pirate. (his mother was a ninja)
only if he beat the kraken and served up sushi for the crew.
(but made the woman do work, cuz that's tough)
Yeah, otherwise he's just a fool. Buuuutttt we haven't seen the 3rd yet, so there's no telling whether or not he's tough until then...


For those who don't know, Barbosa came back after escaping from Purgatory (ya know, that phony Catholic thing). Barbosa will lead Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan and others to Purgatory to take Jack from it so he can go kill Davy Jones.

Well, that's what it is in a nutshell anyway.