My apologies for that last boss last night on 10 man


New Member
To Everyone who was in our 10 man raid last night:

I sincerely apologize for my abysmal performance on that last fight against Sindragosa. I am working two jobs right now, and i was doing quite well until that last fight. It was getting late and i just wore out right there at that last fight.

I know that everyone wants to progress, so i will really do my best to be prepared and dedicated to success!

Best Regards and God Bless,

Real Life is MUCH greater and MUCH more important than a video game.
i agree with piano...sleep wins.

I live west coast (server time) so when all u central and easterners are ready to saw just hitting my second wind.
To Everyone who was in our 10 man raid last night:

I sincerely apologize for my abysmal performance on that last fight against Sindragosa. I am working two jobs right now, and i was doing quite well until that last fight. It was getting late and i just wore out right there at that last fight.

I know that everyone wants to progress, so i will really do my best to be prepared and dedicated to success!

Best Regards and God Bless,


hehe, crash and burn time. eh. silly, no apology needed. it was a blast. :p
It's ok made me laugh so hard during our little practice run-through of the boss that I didn't care if we won or lost that night :P
In this game "ain't" about having good times with friends, we all need to hang it up. Cit, I have been there, falling asleep at the wheel especially while healing a later heroic. And, hey bud, we all love and respect you! We don't wanna put up with Goody if we don't! lol