Music suggestions for Azzie Series


New Member
In case you guys didn't know, after I hit rank 10 I'm going to make a video series of solo world pvp and adventures on Azzie, in the form of a "visual journal" in the videos, like it's a set of journal entries with the events taking place with the words and the gameplay, which I'm still deciding whether I'm actually gonna record my own voice (ugh) or just use text, hopefully coming off with a plot that makes sense. Oh, and company is definitely welcome :)

Most of the clips are going to feature pretty scenery and world pvp, often 1 on 1 ganks/assaults or city raids. I'm wondering if I should use primarily classical style music, like the WoW soundtrack itself, or if I should use modern stuff as the bulk of my music. I will definitely use remixes of some classic RPG's like from the Final Fantasy series, but since most of the video is going to be combat, I wonder if I should use stuff like Iron Maiden for the combat parts.

I realize it's a bit hard to really decide without seeing what kind of footage I have already, but for me to know what kinds of music people like in this sort of thing would really help me "dream up and visualize" plot and organization.

Any feedback would be great; thanks! I'll try to whip up an introduction (all tv shows/series have that intro part) within the next 2 weeks.
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U2 : I still haven't found what I'm looking for ...for wandering around

Johnny Cash: Burning ring of fire......for visiting Blackrock Mountain

Psydo Echo: Funkytown......for visiting Ogrimar

Teddy Bear's picnic......for the scenes with the furlbogs

Survivor: In the Burning Heart (from Rocky)....for a good fight scene

Chariots of Fire theme...for running across the deserts

I think you will come with songs, probably ones you relate more to than these, just as you view the video footage. My suggestions are rather goofy when you put them all together too lol.
Alice in Chains - Rooster...for wandering around

Judas Priest - You’ve got Another Thing Coming


Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the Name (don’t use that last 20 seconds of the song very strong language not necessary)

Thin Lizzy- Boys are back in town

Elton John - Saturday nights alright for fighting-

AD/DC dirty deeds (selected cuts)

Ac/dc Night of the long knives

Quiet Riot - Bang your head

Metal Church -21 gun salute

Ugly Kid Joe – I hate everything about you (1st half of the song)

Metallica -For whom the bell tolls

There’s a lot of other songs in the “metal” genre that I could list, Of course Elton is that but its such a good song. I can just imagine a thundering beat as you own horde after horde. Make me want to make my own video.
awesome!! thanks a ton guys; i'll look into these :)

I plan to finish the 1st episode by next (not this coming) sunday.
Here is a video idea for you Azzie once you start your filming. You can grab a few guildies and go to some horde camp and have us standing somewhere in the camp and the video is of you coming to rescue us with the Christian Praise and Worship song called Enemy's Camp
lol Survivor...that's why I was asking about classic songs from 80's movies like Top Gun and the Transformers Movie.

But, this is one concept I have regarding movies: It's really easy to make something humorous; it's easy to make something contemporary, but what's hard is making it deep and serious. That's what I'm trying to put into this series, which is why I plan to use a lot of soundtracks from other video and computer games.

Final fantasy series has some great stuff. The first episode is going to be called "Of Promotions." Mainly going to be the background story, starting with me looking upon the old ruins of Lordaeron, looking back unto the former glories of the Alliance. Then it'll show me in lowbie gear (yes I kept the stuff just for this video; seriously) in warsong gulch, then i get more gear for Arathi basin, then I get full gold armor and unstoppable force for Alterac Valley, then finally the episode ends with me being woken up by maybe Sandric, and taken to Stormwind for my promotion. walking out of the Valley of Heroes with my rank 10 lieutenant-commander's armor. During the battlegrounds I basically explain the thoughts a warrior may have regarding war and slaughter, the reasons i become basically a loner, and things like that.
Hope it turns out alright. The first episode should be done by next Sunday. :D
I have yet to decide what to title the series tho... :p
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Actually I'm not sure if its gonna be called "of promotions" or not.

I'm having a bit of trouble finding an abstract title for both the episode and the whole series at the moment.

But as for music, I'm taking mostly modern metal/rock style for combat with other computer games' remixes as scenes in between. iron maiden and final fantasy combo ftw.

Just remember that these videos are an attempt to steer away from the "i pwn u n00b lolololol" humor/showoff videos like the majority of others i've seen, so music that isn't either heavy or dark doesnt fit entirely well yet, although later in the series such themes may be implemented.
Episode 2 is in the making; and this is what everyone's been waitin for: WORLD PVP!!

No more battlegrounds for Azzie.
I'll admit finding good world pvp videos is pretty difficult, so it might be a while before it all comes out...
obviously the overall consensus is dominantly using contemporary stuff :p

So far I'm basically ripping off stuff from other computer games and movies for music; mainly because since everyone has different music tastes, at least the stuff I try to put in has a higher chance of being recognized by everyone who watches them and is less biased to one particular type of music. I use classic rock songs in a lot of these because among most people I know, there is always a huge diversity of likes and hates, but classic songs like eye of the tiger are liked by almost everyone. Classical music (the violins and stuff) is universally good for videos of this sort, but the main drawback is lack of power. For this reason I use lots of movie soundtracks too. :D

It's not incredibly easy to find music that fits both the story and the scene at the same time (for my obsessive-compulsiveness in music and art). For this reason lyricless stuff is usually the best, which is why remixes of old computer games are great for storyline scenes. Combat shots, then, seem to require a good chunk of mix; heavy enough to personalize a full-plate armor paladin with a giant black hammer, but also dark enough to fit into the mental and spiritual struggles the paladin has.

Can't please everyone; but I'm workin it :)
A good suggestion is 3 inches of blood - destroy the orcs :D
and also 3 inches of blood - revenge is a vulture