Monday night PvP for August 21 led by Dorkelf, 10 pm Eastern

So, what'll ya have? And remember, your name IS being recorded!

  • Starburst Ele Balanced Build, GvG or HoH

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Oops! My husband forgot to post this before he left to teach. Wonderful, devoted wife that I am, I noticed and called him to get the info, just for you! ;)

Here's the deal: Dzwart is on vacation, and one2dredd is working a special event. So Dorkelf's in charge!

Your choices:

Balanced build with Starburst Eles
That's right, tonight you, too, could try the famous build that got Dredd his first win in the Hall of Heroes! If possible, we'll go GvG!
See the link for details on the build.

ViM Trappers
Yep, you guessed it: Trap Trap Trap! (And I didn't have to bribe him, either!) This build has a bit of flexibility, since the melee damage dealers can be Touch Rangers or ViM warriors or that weird ViM Assassin Dredd came up with. O_o
6 ViM Trapper Rangers
2 Melee Damage Dealers (R/Ne Touch Rangers, W/R ViM Warriors, or A/R ViM Assassins)

Warriors and Rangers are detailed in the linked thread.
I should note that the Starburst Ele build may have changed slightly from the posted version, and I don't know the build for the ViM Assasin. One (or both) of us will be on early to help any takers set up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not Dorkelf, but I've played him on the forums. ;)

Sometimes it's GOOD for your wife to have your password!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not Dorkelf, but I've played him on the forums. ;)

Sometimes it's GOOD for your wife to have your password!

Ok that's just weird to see a post from myself that I didn't actually write...:eek:

Sorry that I forgot to post earlier, it's just been one of those days. In any case I will check the poll again shortly before 10 and we'll see what we have. For balanced/starburst ele build we will need at least five people on hand at 10 PM in the hall who have done that build before - so even if it gets the vote we will revert to trapping, AvA or something else instead if we don't have at least those five folks ready to go at 10 PM. So if you want balanced vote and show up already! :D

No, he doesn't exist. The alleged and as-of-yet unproved Dorkelf's ACCOUNT, most likely run by MM, was used to make a post.
Stay on topic! :p

I voted Either, but ViM would probably be the better choice, as most of us are familiar with it. Plus I get to use my touchie. :D
Well even though I couldn't attend last night, I did get my warrior ascended and capped ViM last week, so I will be able to join you all in the future!

Though I have earthly idea what I am doing in PvP!!:eek:

That just adds to the excitement, right?
Well even though I couldn't attend last night, I did get my warrior ascended and capped ViM last week, so I will be able to join you all in the future!

Though I have earthly idea what I am doing in PvP!!:eek:

That just adds to the excitement, right?
I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not from Dredd, but don't let him discourage you! (I think he's joking, anyway.)

ViM is easy, compared to most forms of PvP. As a warrior, you run up and hit things with stuff that causes conditions. Use "Victory is Mine!" for health and energy. If dangerously low, run to the Healing Springs dropped by the trappers. That sums it up.

See? WAY easier than any sort of spike build!
We've been preferring touch rangers to warriors, but we'll let you bring a VIM warrior if necessary until you can put together a trapper. Good thing is, now that you have VIM unlocked it will be available to any PvP only characters you create on that account, if you have an available PvP slot.

That just adds to the excitement, right?

That is what I was refering to. Not knowing something and learning it and becoming good at it is where most of the fun comes from. So Yes it adds the excitement and joy of doing PvP.
We've been preferring touch rangers to warriors, but we'll let you bring a VIM warrior if necessary until you can put together a trapper. Good thing is, now that you have VIM unlocked it will be available to any PvP only characters you create on that account, if you have an available PvP slot.


I do have an open slot, and most of the Ranger skills unlocked, so I can make a trapper.

vibrokatana said:
Make sure to sharpen your blade in the random or team arenas. If you just drop into pvp, it could be quite scary.

Good advice. PvP makes me all excited to the point where I can't think straight. I definately need to let the newness of it all where off first as to minimize mistakes. My wife accuses me of being competitive when it comes to games, which is one reason I have shyed away from PvP, until now!
Make sure to sharpen your blade in the random or team arenas. If you just drop into pvp, it could be quite scary.
Hmph. No one let ME do that.

"Hey baby, they need a mesmer for GvG. I've got you logged in with Mirawyn already, and TeamSpeak is set up."

"Uh, that's guild vs. guild, right? How does that work?"

"Don't worry, they'll tell you what to do."

I spent most of my time lost. "Can someone get the guild thief? Run the flag! Hey, they're in our base! Everyone back to the guild lord." I couldn't even find my way around the guild hall!

I'm sure we must have lost...