Metal Gear Acid

I have played it. I didn't see anything objectionable beyond the usual amount of blood and the occasional profanity (which, I must say, is almost necessary to write realistic dialogue between soldiers). As far as I played, I didn't see any objectionable outfits of the kind in Snake Eater and the original with Sniper Wolf. I'm a real fan of the series, and I was mildly disappointed at how different it was, but I've played some TCGs before and I rather enjoyed the game, once I got over the shock of how un-MGS it all was. Basically, it's good but it's not what you expect. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. However, I haven't finished it yet so there may still be a chance at something objectionable. However, the story hasn't even hinted at anything morally questionable yet so I think it should be okay. I wouldn't recommend MGA or any game in the Metal Gear series for anybody under 14 though. The deep, complex story lines are usually the focus of any of the games so if you're looking for games to go with li'l Johnny's PSP I would suggest Wipeout Pure instead. That game is just as awesome (not to mention the absolutely killer music).
sorry i havent kept up with console games for a while, only been looking forward to comp hardware and games lately