Membership Sweep


New Member
The Tribe of Judah routinely performs membership sweeps to determine if members are still active.  In the next couple of weeks I will be performing one of these sweeps.

Again, membership sweeps are just to determine the active status of the members of ToJ.  Member sweeps do not remove you from ToJ.  We simply flag you as inactive in our roster.  At any time in the future, you can be made active again by simply contacting the membership administrator.

How the sweep will be performed:
- Members who have recently joined or logged into the website in the last three months (October through the current day) are already determined to be active.
- Members will have a week from today (1/2/2003) to login to the website to be excluded from the sweep.  For login issues please contact me.
- Around this time next week (1/9/2003), an email will be sent out to those that are left on the roster that we have not heard from in the last three months.  The email will have some links in it.  One will be to continue your active status as a member.  One will be to set you as inactive and the last will be a request to be completely removed from the roster.
- Members will then have one week to respond by clicking on one of the links in the email.
- Emails that bounce back to me as bad addresses will be added to the inactive member list.
- Towards the end of the week (1/14/2003), a final reminder will be sent to those that have not responded.
- On 1/17/2003 any member who has not responded to the email will be set as inactive.

Any questions about the sweep can be directed to me.  Stay tuned to the forums and the website for more information.
Rock on, man. Rock on. I was planning on sending an e-mail to request a member sweep, and you beat me to it. Kudos.
The member sweep has started. Close to 360 emails were generated to individual members. Again, if you have any problems, drop me a line either here are through email.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] I don't think you left anything out

oh he did leave something out.. he forgot that all email returns are directed to me.. i got about 50 maile delivery notes this morning...

nah its cool.. gg plankeye
Will you have internet access before next friday? You have until the 16th to respond to the email, login to the website. Worst case, you miss that deadline, than just drop me or rizz a message stating you want to stay active. Member sweeps do not remove your from ToJ. We just use these to get a better count of who is actually active.
lol this is the reason u should stick around with plankeye. Then he usually knows ur active. I didn't see this thread until today. Afraid i was kicked out, and well i wasn't (not even on inactive list) so i prooved meh point

*winks at Plankeye* besides i see him a lot whenever on toj server.
Member Sweep Update:

So far, I have received 140 responses to the emails sent out this last weekend. That leaves about 220 yet to respond. I will be sending out a reminder email to those who have not responded in the next day.
The membership activity sweep is nearing the end. An email reminder was sent out to the 214 members on the list that have not yet responded. Again, tomorrow is the last day to respond by as Saturday I will update the master roster. Again, any questions, let me know.
HesComingSoon, I checked the roster and see you on there. Was there a specific chapter roster you are not listed on?
Plankeye: Is it possible that those e-mails didn't send? I've spotted at least a few users who are active and would have logged in if they were notified of the membersweep by e-mail.

Aaand is there any way we can add a switch for admins to view both active and inactive members, with a full count of members?

Also, I'm going to unpin this thread since the membersweep has ended.