MC Rules - Regulations

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New Member
(This is a work in progress and will be updated continuously)

Starting with this week’s Molten Core run, new rules are in place. These rules are based on the concepts of common courtesy and common sense. Team Eternity’s goal is to explore end game instances, and as such, the team is looking for a high level of commitment from its members.

All members of the team, regardless of their position on the team agree to respect each other, respect the rules and respect the leaders. Repeated abuse of this respect will result in your not being invited back to the team.

Raid leaders have final say over strategies, implementation and who makes it on the team and maintain final say in all things. Class leaders are there to ensure their class is operating at peak performance. The leaders want to see the team as a whole move forward with as few problems as possible. Those who present themselves as stumbling blocks will be quickly removed.


Starting this week a new standby feature is being released. If you sign up on the raid site and are in queue, in game you can enter a new channel called: Pearlygates. People in the Pearlygates channel will be awarded OTB DKP if they are on at raid start and 1 DKP per boss kill that they are available on standby.

While in standby on your main toon, you must be in Searing gorge, Burning Steppes, Blackrock Mountain, Stormwind or Ironforge. You can not be indisposed or dealing with any further obligation that will restrict your ability to get to MC within 5 minutes. You may park your main at the MC entrance and play on an alt toon as well. Ensure your alt is in the standby channel and that you are not doing something that forces you to be committed to another group of people. For example, you can not be running another instance. While you are in standby, you are welcome to join us in vent, Team Eternity channel, but during that time you will be muted.


If you sign up for a raid, you are expected to be online and ready to raid at the designated times. If you find that you are unable to attend, you are expected to cancel your sign up on the sign up page before invites start. In the event that you are unable to do so, please contact your class leader and in the event your class does not have one, Goblit or Avesther at the earliest possible time to explain your absence. All who sign up for the raid and do not take steps to move themselves to queue in the event they can not make it to the raid will be docked 5 DKP when Magmaddar is downed. Exceptions will be made for situations that arise outside of the control of the member at the raid leader’s discretion.

  • VENT

We understand that we were created to be social beings and interaction with our friends is a joy to be treasured. There are times that this is inappropriate. We expect vent to be clear of chit chat during these times:
  • Discussion of strategies before a boss and the assigning of duties
  • During a boss fight or any mob fight that a raid leader calls for silence

During boss fights, the only people who should be talking on vent are raid leaders giving instruction, class leaders giving any updates they feel necessary to give. Or when directed to give information such as during the Lucifron fight everybody is instructed to give their name and group number when they are Mind Controlled so they can be sheeped.

Please be considerate after boss fights when the loot calls go out so that everybody hears the instructions of what to do if something drops that they would like to get. Also during trash pulls, please be considerate of your team mates when chit chatting. Excessive chit chat is very distracting while we are chain pulling.

Those who do not keep vent clear when it needs to be cleared will find themselves warned or muted for the duration of the raid.


Going AFK without a reasonable excuse 2 minutes before a boss fight or during a boss fight is not appropriate. Anybody found doing so will not receive DKP for that fight. Please come to MC prepared with any snacks you anticipate you would like to enjoy during the raid. If you need to go AFK for two minutes for a bathroom break please inform a raid leader letting them know you are going AFK, for how long and on whom you will be auto-following.

An unannounced ready check will be preformed in the final minute before engaging a boss. Anybody found AFK during that check that has not previously cleared it with a raid leader will not participate in the DKP for the fight regardless if they come back and assist during the fight. Reapplying the DKP for absent members is strictly at the discretion of the raid leaders.

We understand that some situations are beyond your control, please give us a quick warning that something is up so we can adjust for your absence. If you can't respect the other 39 people in our raid enough to do a quick /w goblit I have to go, 5 minutes will explain later then the likelihood of us respecting your wish to have the DKP reinstated back to you is just as low. Remember, if we did it without now, we will do it without you next week.

  • DPS

All DPS will be held until it is called for by the tank or raid leader. All DPSers must continuously be aware of the agro gains and back off when they feel they are getting close to pulling a mob off the tank. The raid leaders will endeavor to maintain Threat Meters targets up to date for those who use this add on. Those who steal hate off a main tank will be warned. If they continue to do pull hate after being warned, they will not be invited back.

All classes that have hate reducing abilities are expected to use them as they become available. Feint, vanish, fade, feign death and Ice block for so specced mages are all designed to ensure that you are able to perform at your peak and reduce your personal threat to maintain a high level of performance. Warlocks, warriors, druids and paladins do not have agro reducing abilities. Be sure to purposely cause a break in your damage or healing to ensure that you are not climbing the hate meter faster then necessary. If you are using KTM and you see yourself rising on the meter, take a 5 second break and stop all damage and all healing during this time.

Healers will be asked to save healing for tanks, Healing over time for those who take AoE damage, spot heal those who need it because of knock backs, stuns or debuff attacks. Those who steal agro over and over again will only receive rezzes, not heals. So if you want to save on your repair bills, stop stealing the agro from the tanks.


To raid with us, you are required to have the current version of CT_Raid_Assist, KTM threat meter, decursive and Vent. Failure to have these installed and functioning will result in you not being invited back to the raid. A full understanding of how they are used is not required. Programs such as CT_RA and KTM, even when not on your User interface will send and receive information. If you are unsure of how to use a program such as decurisive or vent, just ask and we will be happy to help you. There is a prepared addon packagae available to team members that contains raid assist, decursive, threat meters and a few small addons that are useful in raids. The addon package contains no changes to your UI.


Damage meters do more damage to the raid then good. Raid leaders use it to monitor the team’s performance and said performance is not necessarily on metrics you are watching. A rogue who is on top of the damage done, damage taken, healing taken and number of rezzes received during lava packs is better replaced by a rogue 4th on the damage done, 3rd last on the damage taken, last on the healing taken and never rezzed.
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