MC Loot Table

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ALL Trash Mobs of MC share the same drop table and can drop the following BoE epic class set pieces:

Belt of Might
Bracers of Might

Arcanist Bindings
Arcanist Belt

Cenarion Belt
Cenarion Bracers

Felheart Bracers
Felheart Belt

Vambraces of Prophecy
Girdle of Prophecy

Giantstalker's Belt
Giantstalker's Bracers

Nightslayer Bracelets
Nightslayer Belt

Lawbringer Belt
Lawbringer Bracers

Earthfury Belt
Earthfury Bracers

=== B O S S . M O B . R E S O U R C E S ===

All drops arranged in order of liklihood for drop

Choker of Enlightenment
Gauntlets of Might
Felheart Gloves
Arcanist Boots
Cenarion Boots
Lawbringer Boots
Earthfury Boots
Ring of Spell Power
Sorcerous Dagger
Manastorm Leggings
Wristguards of Stability
Salamander Scale Pants
Flamewaker Legplates
Helm of the Lifegiver
Heavy Dark Iron Ring
Robe of Volatile Power
Crimson Shocker

Eskhandar's Right Claw
Striker's Mark
Arcanist Leggings
Pants of Prophecy
Felheart Pants
Cenarion Leggings
Giantstalker's Leggings
Legplates of Might
Medallion of Steadfast Might
Nightslayer Pants
Lawbringer Legplates
Obsidian Edged Blade
Aged Core Leather Gloves
Fire Runed Grimoire 5.99%
Flameguard Gauntlets
Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Quick Strike Ring
Earthfury Legguards
Flamewaker Legplates
Magma Tempered Boots
Deep Earth Spaulders
Mana Igniting Cord
Sabatons of the Flamewalker

Nightslayer Gloves
Gloves of Prophecy
Giantstalker's Boots
Sabatons of Might
Lawbringer Gauntlets
Earthfury Gauntlets
Flamewaker Legplates
Robe of Volatile Power
Heavy Dark Iron Ring
Ring of Spell Power
Sorcerous Dagger
Manastorm Leggings
Salamander Scale Pants
Wristguards of Stability
Helm of the Lifegiver
Crimson Shocker
Felheart Slippers

Brutality Blade
Aurastone Hammer
Giantstalker's Helmet
Arcanist Crown
Drillborer Disk
Gutgore Ripper
Circlet of Prophecy
Helm of Might
Nightslayer Cover
Cenarion Helm
Felheart Horns
Lawbringer Helm
Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Aged Core Leather Gloves
Fire Runed Grimoire
Mana Igniting Cord
Earthfury Helmet
Obsidian Edged Blade
Flameguard Gauntlets
Bindings of the Windseeker (This is one half of the left and right halves)
Quick Strike Ring
Magma Tempered Boots
Flamewaker Legplates
Deep Earth Spaulders
Sabatons of the Flamewalker

Seal of the Archmagus
Arcanist Mantle
Felheart Shoulder Pads
Cenarion Spaulders
Lawbringer Spaulders
Earthfury Epaulets
Bindings of the Windseeker (The other half)
Aged Core Leather Gloves
Flameguard Gauntlets
Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Obsidian Edged Blade
Quick Strike Ring
Fire Runed Grimoire
Magma Tempered Boots
Mana Igniting Cord
Flamewaker Legplates
Deep Earth Spaulders
Sabatons of the Flamewalker

Arcanist Gloves
Giantstalker's Gloves
Cenarion Gloves
Boots of Prophecy
Felheart Slippers
Nightslayer Boots
Crimson Shocker
Flamewaker Legplates
Sorcerous Dagger
Salamander Scale Pants
Manastorm Leggings
Robe of Volatile Power
Wristguards of Stability
Heavy Dark Iron Ring
Ring of Spell Power
Helm of the Lifegiver

Pauldrons of Might
Giantstalker's Epaulets
Mantle of Prophecy
Nightslayer Shoulder Pads
Salamander Scale Pants
Flamewaker Legplates
Wristguards of Stability
Manastorm Leggings
Heavy Dark Iron Ring
Helm of the Lifegiver
Robe of Volatile Power
Sorcerous Dagger
Ring of Spell Power
Crimson Shocker

Staff of Dominance
Arcanist Robes
Giantstalker's Breastplate
Cenarion Vestments
Azuresong Mageblade
Blastershot Launcher
Breastplate of Might
Nightslayer Chestpiece
Robes of Prophecy
Felheart Robes
Sulfuron Ingot
Lawbringer Chestguard
Earthfury Vestments
Aged Core Leather Gloves
Quick Strike Ring
Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Obsidian Edged Blade
Fire Runed Grimoire
Flameguard Gauntlets
Magma Tempered Boots
Sabatons of the Flamewalker
Mana Igniting Cord
Deep Earth Spaulders
Flamewaker Legplates
Giantstalker's Epaulets
Giantstalker's Leggings

Ancient Petrified Leaf
The Eye of Divinity
Finkle's Lava Dredger
Core Hound Tooth
Core Forged Greaves
Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame
Sash of Whispered Secrets
Wild Growth Spaulders
Fireproof Cloak
Wristguards of True Flight
Fireguard Shoulders
Cauterizing Band

(Alphabitical order)
Band of Accuria
Band of Sulfuras
Band of the Hierophant
Bloodfang Pants
Choker of the Fire Lord
Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
Cow King's Hide
Crown of Destruction
Dalewind Trousers
Direwing Legguards
Dragon's Blood Cape
Dragonstalker's Legguards
Drakesfire Epaulets
Elder Wizard's Mantle
Essence of Fire
Essence of the Pure Flame
Eye of Sulfuras
Feathermoon Headdress
Girdle of Uther
Leggings of Transcendence
Legplates of Wrath
Lordly Armguards
Mageflame Cloak
Magiskull Cuffs
Malistar's Defender
Mass of McGowan
Nemesis Leggings
Netherwind Pants
Onslaught Girdle
Perdition's Blade
Ragnaros Core of Concentration
Ragnaros Core of Strength
Ragnaros Core of the Bear
Ragnaros Core of the Boar
Ragnaros Core of the Falcon
Ragnaros Core of the Tiger
Ragnaros Core of the Wolf
Sandals of the Insurgent
Scarlet Kris
Serenity Belt
Spaulders of the Unseen
Spinal Reaper
Stormrage Legguards
The Needler
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