MC Loot Priority


Active Member
If there is anyone that wants to know about a certain weapon and its priority, you can post it here, and then the raid leaders can let us know. Since we are very close to no more class priority as MC is almost on full farm status, there is no need to make a list of every weapon, just the ones that aren't obvious to all or you had a question about.

For example: Azuresong Mageblade ? Who can get it first?
answer: Mages, Holy Paladins, and Warlocks first.
The problem with the MC loot tables is that it was not very well thought out by Blizzard. Its probably the worst of all the raid instances. Every class should have something that they look forward to getting.

Priests have Benediction
Hunters their bow\staff
Warlocks have Mageblade or SoD
Mages have Mageblade or SoD
Rogues have Perditions Blade
Druids have SoD
Pallies have ???
Warriors have ???

and I'm not including legendaries because you can't count on them. Do we say Brutality Blade is warriors and Pallies get Aurastone??? Do they compare with the likes of Benediction?

Everybody would like to get something...and some items are closed until we know that the raid can function without all of a specific class getting a specific items.

BWL loot table is more generous with giving more options in cross class loot. Even then its not perfect. Priests don't get a benediction upgrade until the can get the mace from being Exalted with AQ20 and an off hand from Nax.

I think upto now the cross class loot has been distributed as fair as could be. Perfectly, no.
I think there should be some class priorities on certain items even though MC is on farmstatus, especially the items that drop off the last couple of bosses.

Items such as
Perditions Blade (Rogues)
Spinal Reaper (Warriors)
I use brutality blade mainhand and electrified dagger offhand for the stats:p maybe when I get a perditions sometime in the future I might switch back to dagger MH but so far the way I play I see a lot more dps with a sword MH. But I already have mine so im not too picky:p I like the stats on the brutality blade over the the viskag too, brutality has rogue stats:p
My upgrade from Anathema comes in BWL, off of Nefarian. "both" upgrades, Lok'amir and Master Dragon Slayer's Orb. Which combined increases the +dmg by 43, which is quite a large +dmg upgrade for a "single" slot.
Pallies have ???
Warriors have ???

Paladins - Aurastone Hammer, Finkles Lava Dredger, [Mageblade (Holy Paladins)]
Warriors - Spinal Reaper, Obsidian Edge Blade

I'd go as far as to say that Druids get priority over everyone else for the SoD, because thats easily the best weapon for them in MC - then the other classes. Mages and Warlocks would be the only other class to go after the SoD, but they can use the Mageblade.