Mage Specs


Active Member
I need some help...

I recently reactivated my account (and I got 7-days free, yay!) and I am looking to play my mage over the summer.

I am not looking to raid this summer, just play casually with some people from school.

SO, here is my question: What is a good all around Mage spec that is NOT Ice. I have this totally unfounded, irrational hatred towards Ice (well not hatred, just an extreme distaste for it). Just like my totally irrational and unfounded extreme distaste for celery. I know it's good for me, but I don't care!

The last time I seriously played my mage was... back in MC. So it has been a while since I have been a mage player.

I prefer Arcane-based specs.

Thanks ya'll!!

If you dig Arcane, you're either in luck or extreme un-luck. Arcane is the flavor-of-the-week this expansion. 95%+ of mages in the game are running 57/3/11 right now.
First off, I love your new avatar.

Second, there aren't any points spent in your spec!
That's because I play Slayer. <3

/leaves the WoW area before getting Gnome stomped