Low Instance - DM or SFK?

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New Member
Depending on who can be around on Thursday, should we run Deadmines or ShadowFang Keep? We've got ranges in both of those it appears, and we just did WC. Deadmines is kinda good for an all-around low instance, but more might need quests for SFK.

Can I get a count of who is going to be coming Thursday?

6 server time, 9 eastern
I should be...I do not see why not...lvl 23 pally...and I will probably still be lvl 23, cannot get away from Wii...
I'm having pretty bad computer problems, and I'm not sure I'm going to make it tonight. I've been working on it all day, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, or it will get a little better and then completely freak out on me. The past few times I've tried to load WoW my computer has just rebooted itself.
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