Lord of The Rings


Hello all. I'm back on the forums after a long time (woot woot). Anyway, just wanted to see who else has The Two Towers yet? I got it from K-Mart a few days ago on DVD, and the extra features are awesome. Just wanted to get some comments.

Waiting for special edition since i managed to ge a copy of the original dvd when it came out at the cinema...


its not mine.. its my dads...
I get the impresion that everyone is waiting for the extended edition.

Anyway, I've seen the extended Fellowship DVD, and it rocks, so I know that the Two Towers one will. Anyway, in case anyone is wondering, the DVD (not the extended) has a preview of Return of The King, and also a short film directed by Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee) called "The Long and Short of It". It's really hilarious.

I can't wait for the Return of the King to come out. I'm gonna be the first to see it, and I'll probably have to fight my way into the theatres.
In early december there realesing the FOTR and Two Towers extended editions into limited Theatrical release. Then on December 16th at some theatres there gonna start showing FOTR EE at 2pm then TT EE at 7 then at midnight when ROTK comes out there gonna show it sounds pretty cool.

I just got done watch The Two Towers at my familys house I forgot about some of the bad moments (Aragorns Fall) and such but its still an enjoyable film.
stupid extended dvd who cares i got the dvd just yesterday!!! i havent even watched it all da way yet but yeah. my friend had an interesting thought the other day of a parody of lotrs space balls style. he called it Lord of the Balls. i think he needs to change the title a hint and i dont understand his storyline but it is pretty amusing
You gonna be back December 16th? I dunno if i could sit in a chair for 12 hours but I think with enough practice and dedication I can do it.
It's some special promo from Blockbuster.

It was the 3rd time I've seen the movie and probably my favorite. It was very cool to see the preview for the extended version. There are parts of the book that will be added in.
I too am one of the masses that are waiting for all three, and then buy them all at once.

It's been awhile since I've been on the boards, but here I am.

Hi SSquared, how are ya man?
Hi Enigma! Welcome back. I was wondering where ya went. I thought maybe you just started hanging out in the TribForce forums.

Well, at the moment, I'm all itchy from mosquito bites. We went out to a lake on Sunday and the mosquitos came out at sundown.

Yeah, I'm afraid when all 3 come out, there's gonna be still MORE new scenes and cool features to make people buy them, yet again. But I can't wait that long. My wife and I have already watched and rewatched the Fellowship DVD so many times and I'm sure Two Towers will be no different.

Does anyone else watch the special features? We really enjoy watching behind the scenes stuff for movies. The stuff on the LotR DVDs is totally amazing. I highly recommend watching them. If anything, you get to see the heart all the people had in making the films.
I've watched the special features on the Two Towers DVD, and they are awesome. The work that the people poured into it and with such passion is something to watch.

I heard Christopher Lee (Saruman) reads the Lord of The Rings every year, and has done so for decades! He has also met Tolkien himself and Tolkien's sons. What a privelege!