Line cut


...Weekly excerpts from my cat's diary.
Copyright 2003, Mark Mason, All rights reserved

Dear Readers: I received this mail from a reader that so touched my
funny bone that I thought I'd make it today's centerpiece. Enjoy.

Submitted by Tom R., Cat Diary Reader:

"You won't believe this story. My sister-in law is from Oklahoma and has
a slight accent. She has cats and when she lived in the south she would
take them to the groomers and have what is called a Line Cut. To her a
Line Cut is when all of the fur hanging down below the cat's tummy is
taken off (because it gets matted or snarled). When she moved to Chicago
with my brother, one of the cats' fur got all tangled up during the move
so she took it in for a Line Cut. She was quite surprised when she heard
the price was twice as much as it was down south. She confirmed with the
groomer that he understood what a Line Cut was and he said 'yes..'"

...The story is completed on the Cat Diary Picture Page, with photos
included from Tom. I know you will get a big chuckle out of it. It is,
for sure, a classic.
The link is down, but I know what the pictures are. I just had to conjure up a nice southern drawl and say "line cut"
Lol! A Lion Cut. I would know: I'm Southern and I have that accent. HEheheheh. I gotta send that. That's rich. That cat looks like he's gonna kill someone.