Legendary Adventure Awaits!


New Member
Alright those of you stout and hearty seeking fortune and destiny listen to this tale! Ok it's nothing that special.

Pretty much I want this here giant freaking hammer and know I don't have a chance of collecting the mats for the quest on my own anytime soon. I'm really hoping there's another 20-something pally out there who hasn't done The Test of Righteousness so you can get hooked up too.

The worst part of it all seems to be the travel since you have to head to Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest as well as Blackfathom Deeps (but not in the actual instance), otherwise it doesn't seem that overwhelming if you have a decent party. So I'm hoping that there's some folks who either need to go to these places, or at least another pally wanting Verigan's Fist, who would be up for taking a couple hours sometime and knocking this out.

Now if someone's just willing to help to help I'll pay as much gold as I can scrape together and completely pass on any and all drops so that'd be more money you'd be making. You know what to do if you're interested.
It is my mission to help any pally get this awesome weapon at level 20. It will easily last you until your mid 30s.

I will help you with all the instances. What you can do to make this go smoothly is get the flight paths for Westfall (deadmines for wood), Menethial Harbor (to get gem from BFD), Loch Modan (to get ore) and South Shore (to get hammer from SFK). Then when you see me online, I will gladly help you complete any portion of the quests that we have time to complete.

The toughest part is getting to South Shore. If you don't want to chance getting ganked in Arathi Highlands, you can go to the northwest corner of the Wetlands and just swim north to South Shore. Just whatch out for the fishies.
Horrah! I jumped into a VC group tonight and managed to grab the wood, though our other pally was way over zealous and got us all slaughtered. Thankfully I already had what I wanted. Now for all that other stuff, I mean why can't he just make it out of this spiffy wood?
Well I've also managed to get the ore from the ogres so that should simplify things a good bit, or at least cut down on time a little. Tommarow I'll make the trek to get the flightpaths for Menethil and South Shore.
Have someone port you to Darnisisstnhoiaereasssssss elf town. Then take the boats. It is safer and a bit more interesting.
Alright, with a large amount of luck everything's done save the Shadowfang Keep part which I'm sure I'll need help with since I was barely able to pull of the other stuff by myself.
Well you all missed a lovely time, especially the soloing SFK part. All that matters though is that now I have my precious...
This weapon made me overpowered for ten levels. I seriously could 2-shot level 40's with this and seal of command.
ohh right. the seal of command change.

Nuts...I used to have both the proc and the regular hit crit for like 500 damage when i was level 30.

But now the proc has dropped to 70% damage...