Kurzick Faction


New Member
Are we still saving up our faction? I have 10,000 Kurzick faction now and don't know what I should do with it.
Sure amber is coming down in price but its still pricey. I have 18 now and still need 62 more for my mesmers armor. I think I'm just gonna get my amber. I've said it before and I'll say it again, even if we can get enough faction to control a small town, that wil be all. We would have our name on the town for a couple of days and what exactly will this accomplish? I feel like teh whole idea of controlling towns has no incentive unless you can contol Cavalon or House Zu Heltzer. So unless someone would like to buy me the last 68 amber I am trying to get I think I'm just going to put my faction to a more lasting use.
Umm Elite missions. Gets you into them. There are certain things that only drop in them.
Honestly, it has no in game value unless we control Cavalon or HZH. BUT, getting our name out there by controlling a town...I think thats a good reason.
CGG is almost up to 100,000 faction. What are they going for? I don't know how this faction thing works I guess. I mean, do we all go to a certain town and turn in our faction or can we do it anywhere? Are we sure that it will net us this town? What sort of recognition do we get for having high faction? Is there an article or something I can read about how faction works? I like having definite answers on stuff like this because it took me a while to get 10,000 faction and I have no amber at the moment. I don't want to just throw it down a bottomless hole.
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Well if we got HZH we can make ALOT of money doing the Elite Mission! Where is makes it worth it. I am not sure how all the faction points work might check the GW website or Guru.
HzH is up at nearly 14,000,000(yes 14 million) faction to control. if you think about it, our alliance has 5 total guilds yes?

Now even if all members of our guild turned in 10k faction each(This is strictly hypothetical of course) Our guild alone would bank 1 million faction. Now the other 4 guilds have about 100 or so members combined give or take. So lets say they do the same thing, our whole alliance would have roughly 2 million faction. Considering Faction decay, and the fact that some dont have factions, this number will be significantly lower and will go down daily. The only way to keep our faction up and get enough to control HzH would be to save and transfer as much faction as possible daily. So to me it seems extremely unrealistic for us to be able to achieve this.

Now it would be easier to aquire a smaller outpost, all of which cost between 3-11 million faction to control. It would still take alot of faction farming but this is alot more doable than HzH. But the issue with that is that it is pretty much a waste as only the Kurzick House zu Heltzer and the luxon Cavalon have anything to offer in their elite missions. Other outposts only offer yet another useless gold sink in paying for fireworks which I may add are not at all worth spending 500g-3k just to set them off.

So for me at least I will be trading my faction in for amber, at least until we have a full alliance and can actually make a realistic attempt at this.

EDIT: Also if you want to go to either of the elite missions, there are players ferrying people in for free on both sides all the time. So really I think there is no point whatsoever in owning a town as there will most likely always be players ferrying people in.

PS. Elite missions take around 4 hours or so to complete. And the green items only drop at the end. This is why the items are so pricey. Hard to get to, limited access, supply and demand are all reasons why they are so expensive. Plus these greens are basically duplicates of other greens with different skins. The bows for instance are all just like Drago's flat bow; 15^50, 20/20 sundering and hp+30. And the items from Cavalon's elite mission can also be gotten as another cheaper green.
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I could net a whole lot of faction, when me and Hawaii boy play together, we usually paste anyone we fight. Here is the build I recommend for AvA.

Boon/Prot Monk
I just joined ToJ yesterday...and as soon as I get into SoE you can count on me contributing to the Faction points. I do alot of Alliance battles with my Air Spiker and net quite abit of faction. Right now I am sitting on around 8,000 only (just looked). Unfortunately I just turned in like 25,000 to my previous guild last week, before leaving to find people for my son and I that were more "like minded". I would say on the average I pull in around 20,000 to 50,000 per week. In game I am Ash Slayton...look for me if you need a good spiker.

God Bless,
matthew 6:26
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my thoughts

I'm not sure what the maximum faction points a character can hold...but I was thinking of holding them until I max out...or get 100,000...which I can get in a month or two I'm sure...or something like that. Maybe we can post a thread so that we do not suffer from faction degen. and still know how much we have? I'm not sure how we can handle this...just throwing out ideas. Or I can just redeem them when we decide...a date like this time. june 30, 2006. but faction degen can kill you. I made 10k one morning and by that night we lost 12k. It's almost discouraging at times.
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Maximum faction per ACCOUNT is 10,000. You will need maximum to progress through the story line of Factions at some point, so now would be a good time to max out and get up to House zu Helzter if you can.

If you play enough Alliance battles and think you will be back up to 10,000 by June 30, feel free to either donate some to the alliance, but be aware that it will decay. Otherwise, go ahead and cash some of it in for a few chunks of amber.
Almost every quest you do once in Kurzick territory will net you some Kurzick faction as well. Whenever I get close to 10,000, I just trade some in for amber. Don't take a quest reward without making sure you have room for the faction points. Anything past 10,000 is lost.
Good advice Astrod00d. The challenge mission, Altrumm Ruins is a good quick way to top off your faction if you want to fill up on the 30th to cash in all 10,000. I (Loew Shikaku) did it a couple times with henchies and got a score in the low 50's. This got me over 300 faction each time in only about 15 minutes.
Well, we it looks like we have the faction experts...thanks for the advice and answers. I was taking guesses at numbers. I just started worrying about faction points 2 weeks ago...and would turn them in every 5k. It seems like I made alot in a couple of alliance battles, I see they updated it to net more points. Although one match we Kurzicks did win 500 to the Luxon 100 and something.
So how does this Faction degen thing work?...No one has ever told me before or been able to at least. Also I am going on vacation June 30...God willing so maybe I can turn them in before I leave that morning.
aka Ash said:
Well, we it looks like we have the faction experts...thanks for the advice and answers. I was taking guesses at numbers. I just started worrying about faction points 2 weeks ago...and would turn them in every 5k. It seems like I made alot in a couple of alliance battles, I see they updated it to net more points. Although one match we Kurzicks did win 500 to the Luxon 100 and something.
So how does this Faction degen thing work?...No one has ever told me before or been able to at least. Also I am going on vacation June 30...God willing so maybe I can turn them in before I leave that morning.
Every 24 hours each guild's faction reduces by 10%. So if we do take over a town, we won't have it long unless we donate some faction every now and then. I believe the amount of faction the alliance has in respect to which town it controls updates every four hours or so.