Karazhan Progress

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Friday 3/9

Boss Kills:
Attumen the Huntsman & Midnight - Killed on First Try
Vambraces of Courage-> Fjorboug
Gauntlets of Renewed Hope-> Mirakle (defaulted as no Holy pally avail QQ)
Recap: Rooms prior had to be clear and done fast as there is 15min respawn and any respawns will be pulled into bossfight. Once fight starts the respawns stop. Mirakle ran in and tanked the horse. When Boss popped a few seconds later FJ tanked him. Once Horse was down to 20%ish he rejoined with the boss and FJ tanked him the rest of the way. One thing of note was the boss would random charge everyone through out the fight and one-shotted both Icthus and Melko. Everyone needs to consider +STA because of this.

Moroes - Killed on 5th try
Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch-> Mirakle
Belt of Gale Force-> D/E Void Crystal
Recap: 4adds to deal with. Tebran pulled 2 to the side while the 2 priests kept the other 2 shackled the whole time. Raid worked on downing Tebran's 2 adds then 1 of the shackeled then the boss. Leaving 1 add for the end. Mirakle worked up hate with FJ on the main boss. Towards the end, boss would disappear and randomly gouge a person. This is a nasty 5min debuff that drains massive life unless taken off by a pally bubble. When FJ would get gouged, Mirakle was 2nd on hate so she would tank. FJ and Mirakle traded off tanking like this the whole way down. Priests had to really be on the ball as the shackles were key to the fight.

and the prize everyone got...60g+in repair bills!!
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Monday 3/12

Boss Kills:
Maiden of Virtue - Killed on Second Try
Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden-> Tebran
Boots of Foretelling-> D/E (not an upgrade for anyone)

Recap: The key for our success was the Pally Blessing of Sacrifice chain. We were lucky to have 3 pallies. They each cast BoS on each other with the final one on the MT. We did this right before the "Big Wigs Boss Mod" told us repentance was coming. This way when the Boss did her AoE sleep. The dmg from the MT immediatly woke up the 1st pally who woke up the 2nd...yada yada

This kept 3 healers (2 prot specced) awake the whole time. With a lot of healing and learning where to stand so the Holy Fire could be cleansed off everyone ASAP (everyone in a circle on the first step of the center platform) we saw FJ stay up the whole long fight. I learned from this fight that there will be times I DO need to full heal as a PallyTank so from now on I carry a full set of +heal gear.
Friday 3/17

Trash drops:
Rittsyn's Lost Pendant->Quantam

Boss Kills:
Attumen the Huntsman & Midnight - One-shot
Harbinger Bands ->Melko
Worgen Claw Necklace-> Mavelin
Recap: We got this one down. Melko still got one shotted again. Squishy Gnome. Luckily battle res are easy with 3 druids on board.

Moroes - 2-shot
Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings-> Wallawinski
Belt of Gale Force->Mirakle
Recap: Same strat... shackle 2adds while an offtank takes 2 adds. MT and other offtank work up hate on Moroes. Lots of Blessings of Protections to remove the Gouge-debuff which is brutal

Maiden of Virtue - 3-shot
Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden-> Fjorboug
Bracers of Justice->Mirakle
Recap: Took us a few times, still learing the spacing around the steps. Cleaning the holyfire debuff is SO important and LoS issues can mean a wipe. Once we got the cleansing down the Blessing trick kept FJ alive and we downed her. NEW TIP: FJ "stancedanced" so he would not get put to sleep during the repentance. This kept the Boss right on him w/o moving. This was VERY helpful

note: Mirakle picked up 2 +heal pieces by default. I feel terrible that Champoflight (holy pally) was only there for the boss that didn't drop healing gear. Oh well, always next week.
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I am going to let this thread die as the runs were done by a "test" Team. Starting next week we will have 2 official teams going.

I would love to have 1 person from each team send me a briefing of their runs each night so I can have a thread like this going for each on. It would be neat to see over time how the teams progressed and what loots were won.

Something to think about for you administration types out there.
Monday 3/27



Boss kills:
Curator - Five shot
Pauldrons of th Solace-Giver > Treebranch
Gloves of the Fallen Defender > Icthus ( Handwraps of the Incarnate )

For this fight the casters and healers spread out in large horse-shoe around the boss. Tebran and Fjorboug were at the north end of the horse-shoe, which is where we held the Curator. Mavelin (rogue) and Ironstone (feral druid) held the flares that the boss spawns in the very center of the horse-shoe. All dps with the exception of Quantam and Fjorboug were on the flares, and everyone did a great job on all attempts of only having 1-2 flares up at a time. During the first Evocation that the boss does we were able to get him down to 60% from about 95%. Two evocations later we were able to down him with only two deaths at the very last second. The fight is really healing and dps intensive. Ideally, we learned you only need one tank for this event, about 3 healers, and everything else should be dps (including someone who can take a few hits and help hold aggro like a rogue or feral druid) Great job everyone, it was a wonderful experience!
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