July 24, 2007 - When the Spirit of Truth Comes


When the Spirit of Truth comes
By Carolyn Baker

Today, I’ve asked my friend, Carolyn Baker, to provide us with a devotional based upon John 16:13-14. This is written to be read like a prayer. – jw

But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. (John 16: 13-14 NIV)

My God, today I look deep within, seeking to understand the mysteries of my faith. Your Word is true and deep – yet my meager understanding only grasps bits and pieces. Your Holy Spirit is my hope for unlocking what I cannot discern with my own human understanding – and I cry out for your help! As I cry, I hear your call to rest in your peace!

Thank you, Lord, that your love is so great for those who have yet to find you – and that even though there is a great unrest afoot, you are at work causing “all things to work together for good.” What an awesome God we serve!

I am praying for all of my brothers and sisters, Lord, that they will stand their ground. For those you have called as your leaders, now is the time to dig their feet in and stand on your truths and on your power to accomplish all things according to your will. I hear you remind me that you will keep us safe and strong. You have always had your eyes on us from the moment of our birth. We have never been alone, even when we felt alone.

May your angels of protection follow my brothers and sisters all around the world, into every country and village. May the presence of our Lord and Savior be apparent to all with eyes to see and ears to hear, and may every stronghold within the sound of our prayers be brought down as many new brothers and sisters are brought safely into the family of God.

I know you do not expect perfection. I know you use struggles to grow and refine us. I also know we are not to fear struggles – and we are to anticipate your greatness and your victories, no matter what circumstances we face. Draw us all to yourself so we can see you as you are, which in itself will wipe away the fears.

I humble myself before you, my God, knowing you are who you say you are. It is a sobering and exhilarating experience to look to you as you are. I do not understand it all, but my faith is not blind. You are revealing yourself to all of us in these days – if we will just look in Your direction.

I cry out to your Holy Spirit, needing your help! I cannot continue on as you have called me without a deeper, more intimate walk with you. My human side can only understand and comprehend so much, but my spiritual being is built to last forever – and can absorb all the Holy Spirit has to share.

Even though, with each passing day, the challenges seem to get a little harder, my peace seems to increase. I appear to have less and less “head knowledge” ruling my life, and more and more spiritual learnings that are absorbing into my inner being. Only your Holy Spirit can accomplish such a thing!

I also know that, left to my own devices, I would easily fall victim to the fears and struggles of this world. That is why my dependence on your Holy Spirit is so vital. Without the presence of your Holy Spirit guiding and directing me, I would have been sidelined years ago. Yet, here I sit, beaten up and bruised, yes, but even more determined to fight the fight of faith.

I cry out today for a deeper faith – a stronger trust – and greater dependence on the Holy Spirit and your Word. I cannot live in this world any longer without your wisdom. Spiritually, I am so very hungry, and I know the people you have placed me with are the same. To say we need a fresh new wind of your Spirit is to put it very mildly.

For myself, I cannot take one more step unless you shine your light on it. In these days especially, I need your wisdom and discernment. I have many decisions to make, so I humble myself under your sovereign hand and ask the Holy Spirit to shine his light on my path so I do not misstep. Help me my God – I am in desperate need!

So what?

•God is mighty, all powerful, loving and compassionate - and God is spirit. You were created to have fellowship with him. Because of this, you have a deep inner need for a intimate, personal spiritual relationship with your Creator.

•It truly is possible to walk closely with God every single day of your life. You can learn to listen and hear his “still, small voice,” and as you do your confidence will grow and your hope will increase. As you surrender to his lordship, he will increase your understanding of his truths, and over time you will gain his wisdom and his discernment.

•Being able to see with the eyes of God’s heart changes everything. It makes all thing possible and allows you to be a living, breathing witness of a truth that will set this world free from fear and struggle.

•Ask yourself what is stopping you from reaching out to him in “spirit and in truth?”

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

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