Job interview

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New Member
I have a job interview as a graphic designer on thursday. Please pray that i get it and that i wont have to start until after the cga convention.
just tell them during the interview that you have pior committments that weekend and that you are going over sees for an international conference to help you better you as a person both personally and professionally

will do rizzo
You got it.

Unless they plan on giving you the offer right there and then (very unlikely), you should be fine with the Convention. You usually have at least a week to give a yes/no and then you can give some time before your actual start date.

At the end of the interview ask what the next steps are? When will you hear from them? And like LoJ said, mention you have the prior commitment.

I hope the interview goes well.
Im hoping they give me the job there and then.. then i can work out 4 more days of poo job and go to cga convention with a new job waiting for me when i get back home.

Im remaining optimistic even though God is testing me in all areas at the moment. Hes removing things in my life i thought i relied on to see if i can live without them.. It sucks but im steadfast...:;):
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