It's Been Fun... However.


New Member
Due to circumstances completely within my control I am stepping away from the game. I am a single parent of a rapidly growing 8yr old daughters and she needs me far more that this game does. I look at my total combined playtime of over 80 days and think how much I am going to regret that once she starts to stray away from the nest. I regret it too much already, I can’t in good conscience continue to play this game and watch her grow while I try to progress in a game that in a year or two wont make any difference anyway. I thank all of you for the time together, I have enjoyed meeting and playing with you all. God Bless… Peace… Out. :cool:
You reason is one of the most Valid you can have. I know that if I had a family, and kids I would not be on this very much either. You have been one of my best friends in the guild. You and Estebar. And now you are both gone... Makes me really sad to see you go Jel. I hope the friendship we built extends beyond this game and we continue to talk and fellowship.

I will be praying for you and I will be praying for your daughter as well. Please keep me posted on her.

I hope one day you will be at a place where you can log in and say Hi fairly often.

Enjoy being a Dad, not everyone gets the chance.

May the lord bless you and keep you Brother. Miss you already.

Walk in peace and Love,
Nathanial (BluBarry)
When I was playing UO while my kids were with me, I severely restricted my play time. The way WoW is set up, it's hard to 'not' play it or you can't seem to advance very well or have fun with content. Your family is more important. Please try to come and visit the forums, keep in touch that way. It's a lot less time consuming and we could still hear from you. God Bless, will miss you in game but your daughter will appreciate your time more.
Great Decision!! God Bless you and I am sure you will not regret more time spent with your daughter!
You have chosen.....


wisely. Your children will thank you.
Hey Jel/Ind. Will really miss you. You have become a great friend so I hope you keep in touch. I totally respect your decision. Blessings.
I am feeling much the same way, its been kinda nice to have so much more time to spend with our children instead of just each other playing a game. Good decision:)
Do both!, I spend time with my son in game and I make sure during the week I'm not on before they are in bed. (Which may be harder as they get older)
I have given that thought serious consideration. I miss the community, the fellowship and the friendship. I quit the guild in a knee jerk reaction to my daughter telling me i liked spending time in the game more than i liked spending time with her. I felt that if i just stepped away I wouldn't feel the pressure of wanting to raid... wanting to spend 3 hours in an instance... but i still enjoy the game. I have just gone to pvp after she is in bed... no conflict, i suppose i could have done that in the guild, but I'm still pondering my situation. Miss you all... God Bless!
That same reason is pretty much the reason that I only play on weekend nights when the kids are sleeping and I sacrifice sleep to do that. WoW is certainly fun but family time is WAY better.