My name is Randall.
I am adopted and in fact I was adopted twice. Once by my human parents just after I was born and at the age of 8 adopted by the Great I AM my heavenly Father through my faith in His son Jesus the Christ.
Yes I thank God for giving me great parents and a Sunday school teacher who was truly born again and who shared with us children the love of God.
But as I grew I seemed to care less for the things of God and ended up in the world.
Now I could go on but I must make this short. God had his hand on me right from the day I was born and He did not let me go far from Him. Yes I am a prodigal son.
Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in Him and to all who read this, here now for you is my confession of faith - I love the Lord with all my heart , all my mind and all my strength and confess to you that I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I love you lord God and I thank you for this new life that I have through Your son Jesus.
I attend church and enjoy the company of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have learned alot there but I still have much to learn and it would seem I always learn at the school of hardknox but that is okay with me because I know it is the will of God for me. The easy way for me would be for me to give up but I have come to far with the Lord for that to happen anymore.
Yes I get discouraged but I know the Lord is with me and he watches out for me and puts me back onto His level path.
My passion is the Truth and my heart goes out to Israel and God's chosen people the Jews.
God bless you and keep you,

Randall aka Jeshurun