Impotant Raid Meeting!

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New Member
I am posting this here in case peeps others missed it in the Time to Focus thread.

I have talked to many of our high lvl raiders and they agreed that we need to discuss many things regarding end game raiding , and policies and
mains being forced to leave..Mainly to just find new solutions to long ongoing issues.

I am calling this meeting to be on Wed. @ 5:30 pm server time!

get the word out.
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Is this an official meeting or just a bunch of people venting on vent? If its official can whoever is running it please post an agenda.
asheriah. why are you organizing a guild meeting to discuss official redeemed raiding without even consulting/telling me?

I am not pleased
Ash, I think you need to give current Head Raid Leadership, Mcfierce, working with Guild Leadership, a chance to set up his policys. I think he is trying to strike the right balance, give him a chance to get things completed. Remember he works a full time job and has a life outside of Redeemed *gasp!* as do others leading and no one is getting paid for their time here, they have volunteered to serve. If once everything is laid out, and you disagree then ok express your concerns.

I am all for progression raiding, I am a sports enthusiast and progression raiding is an awesome sport, and I enjoyed leading a Ulduar progression pug this summer and I am all for striking the right balance of progression raiding in a Christian enviroment. I believe if you read carefully what Angry has said in his postings he is taking the right tac.

To truely progress, and from leading myself, I believe anyone should be doing a mimumum 3000 to 3500 dps consistently on 10 man Ulduar bosses (not trash aoe), if "you" (whoever) is a dps, are you there yet? If your not, others may be carrying you, and you've got your work cut out. Are you (whoever wants to progression raid) studying strats on the Ulduar bosses or are just waiting for a raid leader to give you instructions. The better you know the fights, the better your situational awareness will be and you will live through the fights. Are you coming fully prepared or asking someone to place the food buff down for you cause your cooking/fishing is not high enough, do you have your potions/flasks, and gear gemmed and enchanted. Are you working on getting the right gear if you do not have it yet. If you say you want to participate in progression raiding, and you are not doing these things, others may be carrying you. You do not need anyone to hold your hand to do these things, and you can do them at your own pace but if you really want to be serious about progression raiding they are all a part of it. This is not aimed at Ash, but at anyone wanting to progession raid.

Leadership can only do so much to create an enviroment where progression can occur and I think they are working on striking the right balance and McFierce just took on the job and is new in it. Give him a chance.

Truely for those who wish to progress, it starts with YOU.

:D :D :D Love you asheriah.
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as for Asheriah and his progress as a raider, i've been working with him as Balance Druid class lead. His gear is looking good, but I have not taken a hard look at it and run it through the ringer yet. His dps is good but not optimal considering his gear and I've talked with him some. He is currently working on getting that up and I am simply waiting for him to bring me higher numbers. If he wants, I can do a couple training dummy sessions just to watch his rotation, but thats up to him if he wants to schedule that with me. In short, he's been working on it so thats not a question.
I'm still, however, waiting for a reason on why I was not notified of/consulted about a meeting to be held regarding official redeemed raiding. I am Head Raid Leader and should be the first one anyone goes to regarding anything that has to do with raiding. As I have yet to be approached about this, I am not happy.
as for Asheriah and his progress as a raider, i've been working with him as Balance Druid class lead. His gear is looking good, but I have not taken a hard look at it and run it through the ringer yet. His dps is good but not optimal considering his gear and I've talked with him some. He is currently working on getting that up and I am simply waiting for him to bring me higher numbers. If he wants, I can do a couple training dummy sessions just to watch his rotation, but thats up to him if he wants to schedule that with me. In short, he's been working on it so thats not a question.

don't missunderstand, my post was more in general to encourage those wishing to progress to work on themselves first, not to "criticize" anything about Asheriah. I do not know what his dps is now, or gear, the questions were rhetorical in nature and could apply to anyone wishing to participate in progression raiding and need only be answered privately by each individual.
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don't missunderstand, my post was more in general to encourage those wishing to progress to work on themselves first, not to "criticize" anything about Asheriah. I do not know what his dps is, the questions were rhetorical in nature.

understood. I just wanted to update just in case anyone else took it that way. I only did so because he was used as an example ;)
as for Asheriah and his progress as a raider, i've been working with him as Balance Druid class lead. His gear is looking good, but I have not taken a hard look at it and run it through the ringer yet. His dps is good but not optimal considering his gear and I've talked with him some. He is currently working on getting that up and I am simply waiting for him to bring me higher numbers. If he wants, I can do a couple training dummy sessions just to watch his rotation, but thats up to him if he wants to schedule that with me. In short, he's been working on it so thats not a question.

Totally inappropriate personal information that doesn't need to be shared in a public forum imo.
Here we go again.. so much miscommunication.. LOL

Mcfierce this is not about going around you in any way,, but rather many of us who raid with you consistantly felt need to have an open vent discussion with just Redeemed officers/leaders and you about certain issues we all need to get on the same page with.. many are almost on the verge of dropping from guild to go elsewhere to raid..

i dont know about anyone else ,, but that really makes me upset...

and others as well..

so some of us..not just me decided to call a meeting to openly discuss things out.. maybe even new solutions to these things..

Mcfierce has some great ideas and plans in the works , and this meeting is a great way for him to lay out what he would like to have happen, and his future ideas for us as well..

He is a great raid leader and he will continue to lead as only a great leader will...Rock on dude!

That is what this meeting is..

And to answer Gobbie question,, Yes this is going to happen This Wed. @ 5:30 PM server time..

Its not a venting session, rather an open discussion on various issues that need attention.

No outside Redeemed officers/leaders need be there.. this is an in house family Raid meeting.

Only Redeemed officers/leaders , Mcfierce, and Raiders that CONSISTANTLY raid through the week in Redeemed raid runs.

If you are not one of those peeps please understand , there is no disrespect towards you, but this is for those in these specific positions..

Hope this clarifies everything.
Totally inappropriate personal information that doesn't need to be shared in a public forum imo.

considering all of the info i presented in this post was discussed between myself and asheriah in a public chat channel with other people listening in...means this info was already public...
Hey all,, Mcfierce and I have talked together, and he will announce the details about the meeting, and so on..

I do apologize in the manner in which i presented the meeting. Mcfierce should of been talked to first, and i am sorry that was not done .. he more than willing to meet with everyone in that environment and is looking forward to hearing peoples concerns.

It will be ran by him, and other details will come shortly from him.

Thanks for understanding
As stated in 'focus' thread, I will close this thread also. Ash, please get with appropriate officers about arranging a meeting and not 'demanding' one at said time. If you feel you are being ignore, please make sure you let Belanah or I know and we'll see what we can do.

For anyone who plans on being involved in this meeting (when one is set up at which everyone who needs to be there can attend): no discourtesy to any officers or members will be tolorated; make sure you have a list all ready to discuss of issues you feel need to be discussed; make sure you've had a chance to talk to Angry, you might be surprised at what his plans are and they might already be in the works and answer your issues.

If anyone has any issues with me closing these threads, feel free to pm me.
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