Important TeamSpeak information!

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Tribe of Judah Guild Wars Chapter Leader
The Christian Gamers Alliance has a TeamSpeak2 server available to CGA and its affiliates.

The TeamSpeak Server Operator is open for recruitment.
Server Administrators are identified with SA after their name. They have the power to kick/ban players as well as create/change channels.
Channel Administrators are identified with CA after their name. They have the power to kick anyone from the channel they have CA rights in.

Server Name:
Password: tojcccga100

FAQ and guide on How to Register with the CGA TS Server:

1.Please do not use any offensive names/language in Voice or Text.
2.Please do not send users links to inappropriate sites (including explict, illegal, hacking sites or pictures)
3.Please do not argue with Server Admins (SA) or Channel Admins (CA) if you have a dispute please PM Stc95 or another leader on the CGA forums.
4.Please do not spam on mic/text/links, it will get you kicked immediately.
5.Please do not play music indefinitely
6.Do not link myspace as it has inappropriate content.
7.Please don't ask for Server Admin rights. They are on a need-to-have basis and requests can be made through an officer or leader of a Chapter.
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Moderator's note: Thread un-stuck and closed as the CGA now operates a TeamSpeak 3 server.

The address for our TS3 server is, default port. There is currently no password on the server. All rules from the TS2 server (posted above) still apply.

A new TeamSpeak Server Information thread will be posted once a new TeamSpeak Server Operator is appointed to CGA staff.
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