I'm Out


New Member
WoW has become all about rep grinding to be able to do anything

Raiding opportunities have become inconsistent at best, especially for fury warriors

The fun is no more

I have cancelled my account effective at the end of the month. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you. i enjoyed being a part of Redeemed.
Sorry to hear that Mythblade.

We loved having you even if just for a short time.

You rocked the times I saw you in raids.

**moved thread here for better fit**
its the other Myth that doesnt enjoy the auto greets hehe, the original Myth is still sticking around:)
he is right, i am the one who doesn't like the auto-greets. they are an imerpsonal attempt at being friendly IMO :)
Wow, I thought this was a Christian guild, but some of the negative attitudes makes me wonder...

I have a choice to click hello to you or not. It doesn't make it impersonal, it just saves me time since I'm such a slow typer. The feeling is still there. I truly do mean it when I want to greet each and every person that logs on. You guys are family, and I don't want to miss anyone logging on.
Wow, I thought this was a Christian guild, but some of the negative attitudes makes me wonder...

I have a choice to click hello to you or not. It doesn't make it impersonal, it just saves me time since I'm such a slow typer. The feeling is still there. I truly do mean it when I want to greet each and every person that logs on. You guys are family, and I don't want to miss anyone logging on.

In that case, it's ok by me...
Can you choose what one? cause can I request to one about me being leet eveytime? and not the one about killing Horde (I'm a carebare and proud of it)
Wow, I thought this was a Christian guild, but some of the negative attitudes makes me wonder...

I have a choice to click hello to you or not. It doesn't make it impersonal, it just saves me time since I'm such a slow typer. The feeling is still there. I truly do mean it when I want to greet each and every person that logs on. You guys are family, and I don't want to miss anyone logging on.

so it is anti-christian to express your thoughts about a video game mod? lol

i dont have a negative attitude at all. i just think it is impersonal because many times when i and others have responded in /g to the greeting, there is no response at all and no further conversation. in fact, that is what made me wonder if it was a mod greeting in the first place.

thanks for your explanation, it helps to understand where you are coming from. the way that is appeared to me is that the mod is there so you (and others) dont have to take the time to actually say hi. that is why i feel it is impersonal
In that case, it's ok by me...
Can you choose what one? cause can I request to one about me being leet eveytime? and not the one about killing Horde (I'm a carebare and proud of it)

Unfortunately, no. But I added all of the ones that come up, so I can remove that one.
so it is anti-christian to express your thoughts about a video game mod? lol

i dont have a negative attitude at all. i just think it is impersonal because many times when i and others have responded in /g to the greeting, there is no response at all and no further conversation. in fact, that is what made me wonder if it was a mod greeting in the first place.

thanks for your explanation, it helps to understand where you are coming from. the way that is appeared to me is that the mod is there so you (and others) dont have to take the time to actually say hi. that is why i feel it is impersonal

It's not the expression of your thought that bothered me, it was the spirit of how you expressed it that caused me pause. I really do mean it when I see someone log on, and I click their name to say Hi. I am sorry that it made you feel like I was being impersonal. I do try to personally respond when someone types back to me, but sometimes I'm in the middle of a battle, and I can't reply. Clicking on the person's name is something I can do even in the battle, though. Maybe I should not click on it when I'm battling mobs, because that probably is impersonal, since I don't even look at the name, just click it.
I like the mod myself.

Some of the sayings are corny but I like that someone took the effort to bring a bit of character to our WoW world.
You should make the mod just say lines from "Austin Powers"! I would laugh every time i logged on!

"Who throws a cupcake? Honestly!"
I personally like the mods, i think they are funny and saying's that i would never think of myself, so keep greeting me with them mods.