

New Member


Tell me what you saw and I'll get back to you with the real answer.
Top: a woman with her head turned to the side, wearing a head covering with a feather, and a fluffy thing around her neck.

Bottom: dog sniffing a street.
Almost. The top is intact a woman, however it is not as you had described her. She is taking on the features of two women. A young girl and an old woman. The young girl's necklace is the older woman's mouth. The young girl's chin and jaw are the older woman's nose.

The portrait below is not as you described it. It appears to be a dalmatian to the human eye, however, it is merely a series of dots strewn across the page.
It is funny how the human eye - mind connection will always attempt to create order out of chaos like in the second picture.
It's called matrixing, which is a pretty common phenomena among people who investigate paranormal stuff. Most of the time when you see pictures with weird/eerie things, it's only because of your mind matrixing the results. :)
Indeed, Peon.
And I have a slight disagreement with Moxie's statement. While, yes, it is true that those in pursuit of phenomenon tend to visualize what other do not the action is not a direct result of simply "looking for it". The human mind, no matter how intellectual that individual may be, is capable of determining an object in the midst of chaos. In short, ones perspective plays a significant role in determining colors, shapes and so on.
Indeed, it is. Two, actually. As well as a tongue ring, though it is not visible in this particular photograph.
Hooray for Psychology actually rather than paranormal stuff because what is actually being processes is through what would be called the "lower brain" which deals with immeadeate connections rather than taking the "higher brain" which takes what is being seen and actually processing further which causes you to think about the thing you are seeing. The Higher and Lower brain functions also deal with not only things that you have seen but with other functions as well but primarily perceptions of things, for in social psychology one thing that is learned is that of schemas which is a perception of something, for example a chair, we have a set standard in our mind of what a chair does and looks like and if we run across something that changes our schema of that we are forced to do one of two things and that is either change it (which would take the high brain approach) or to not change it at all (which would still take into the account of the low brain functionality).

And to think, I have 2 and a half more years of my Psych major left.
hehe, I agree with you guys, it's a psychological thing that happens naturally to everyone. I've just seen it most often in instances where people are dealing with what they consider paranormal activity, when actually it's just matrixing. :)