Icthus Update


Active Member
I need to let you guys know what is happening in my life.

Most of you know I am a minister. I am currently between churches.

However, I have an interview with a large church on Wednesday. The Executive Pastor is flying in from San Jose, CA to Texas to interview my wife and I.

The process has been about a month long. Please be in prayer for us as we seek after God. This has cut down some of my WoW time and might cut it all the way back depending on what happens in the coming months.
Wow, as a fellow minister, also between church jobs at the moment, let me say I understand some of what you are going through. I will definately be praying for you brother, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know!
Everyone knows that Icthus' bestest-ESTEST friend is me...and thats why he is moving to GEORGIA... hees just a little lost right now.
God and I have already discussed this in detail and well Wisconsin is way out... YOu see I will not take my family anywhere it reaches 0 degrees.