I know this is the wrong place for this...

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New Member
everyone has probably been where I am now... I'm goin through one of those good ol' teenage years "experiences" where you learn how bad things are in life.... I just met up with a couple of those and goin through a bit of down time emotionally.. on top of that I'm taking meds (Acutane) which screw around with you, I.E. cause depression, skin problems, etc... now yes, I do get depressed sometimes but I'm never "crazy" depressed and I am aware of what I am doing by taking this... I even think this might sound over exagerated so don't worry about me doin anything crazy please,lol. i just need some prayer request and rizz, tek move this to the proper thread if need be. I only have 9 months left of this insane medication so please just ask God to watch over me and help me get over certain people and events that happend over the summer like I know he will.
btw... if anyone does have a small acne problem they couldn't get fixed and their doc recommends to take it don't let me discourage you.. but be prepared for any side effects and lab tests/blood work monthly. gg =d
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