I have to step down


New Member
I've been putting thought into this and some prayer and I am kind left overwhelmed.  Here is the history:

I've just finished 11 years of schooling by correspondance to get my professional accounting designation.  During this time, I've had to juggle many aspects of my life, Spiritual, family, work, school and whatever social life I may have had.

During these 11 years, I neglected my family a great deal, unfortunately.  I've neglected many aspects of my live, including God.  And now that I am done, I have been spending alot of time trying to catch up with everything I've neglected.

I don't have the overwhelming feeling of having no time however, it seems that I am being opposed by some force to dedicating myself to doing bible studies.

Things that are currently on my plate:

1.  Purchasing the family accounting practice.  I will be officially taking over September 1, 2004 but the actual purchase will not happen until later this year or early next year.  I've got lots of details to look after dealing with this.

2.  Yard and house maintenance.  We purchased our house 7 years ago now.  Because of all the correspandance classes, it has fallen into disrepair.  There are lots of projects in the yard to do, and when it is raining or too hot outside, I've got lots to do in the house.  7 years without annual maintenance is a long haul.

3.  Reacquanting myself with the family.  I may have slept in my wives bed for the last 11 years but, she has changed quite a bit, so its time to get to know her again
 And also, I started schooling when my son was only 3 months old.  He just turned 11, and its time to figure out who he is.

4.  CGA\TOJ.  I am a member of the CS admin group, TOJ council and CGA prayer team and bible study team.  I think there are only 5 people with more responsibilities then I.

Regarding being on the bible study team, unfortunately, I think I may have jumped the gun.   I say this for two reasons, one, the above.  God may have an eternal amount of time to see all things done, God only appointed me with 24 hours.  And for some reason, I need to sleep 10 of them.

Secondly, I am not a regular member of a church.  I don't doubt my personal grasp on much of the bible.  I've studied it diligently on my own.  Unfortunately, and it is a big Unfortunatly, studying on your own without the testing of the spirit through other christians, tends to leave you high and dry.  My ability to lead a bible study, is compromised as I certainly have not been salted or peppered appropriately.

I feel I should definatly belong to church for the simple reason in that the Minister or bible study group will bring up topics that may not sit well with me, but, still none the less should be studied or discussed.

I have a great respect for Gods word.  And that great respect also leads me to a great fear (not the scared fear) in that as a leader or teacher of Gods word, I should be on a solid foundation.  My foundation may may be solid for where I am with my walk with Christ, I don't think it is solid enough for others to rely on.

I want to teach, maybe not right now.

However, I would like to help out however I can.  Maybe in a supporting role.  For example, helping to create outlines for the groups to use.  Or typing out and posting commentaries before and after sessions.  Maybe I can help co-ordinate.

I just can't commit very much online time to this.  It is just not possible at this time.   I have to make number 4 read:

4.  CGA\TOJ.  I am a member of the CS admin group, TOJ council and CGA prayer team.
Appreciated man. You are always welcome when you want to come.

ironic this comes as i was about to change my signature... i might still but dont consider it a reflection on you...its something that spoke to me on sunday.
lol, Love your sig. There is alot of truth in it. Time is tight for everybody, and I am just now getting the priorities untangled.

If I put my need for some social time before work...well, I have to get the work done so I steal it from Family. Then the wife wants that time back. Well, vicisous circle.

I think it is very important to keep your priorities straight
Again I say God's timing in all things as I have seen it in many areas and am still learning that lovely patience thing. I really thing we all believe God will lead you to all that you are able to during His time and for His purpose.
And speaking as a lady please take the time and really cherish and love and spoil and etc, etc, etc you wife. I understand where your wife's needs are coming from and if shes even wants or needs someone to fuss or whatever with have her holler at me. Blessings,"Angel"
God will totally bless you for putting time into what is important. I have the "priveledge" of having nothing other than CGA in my life so i dont have a problem prioritising..