...I got laid-off


Active Member
I was shocked when I got it but not surprised.

Now, I have to be under budget as I used to spend alot on food.

But I am disappointed that its much harder to find a job...

I do have a back-up plan but we will see...

I applied for EI and hope it lasts enough till I get a job.

Btw, I have worked on my previous job for over 4 years. (My first long-lasting job) :(

Also, pray for everyone else that is also un-employed/lost their job/job searching; hunting.
I'm really sorry to hear that Corp. I'll be praying for you and for others who have lost their jobs. Hang in there, buddy.
Sorry to hear about your job brother, I just got laid off as well. I've been working at citibank for 10 years and just got laid off 2 weeks ago. They gave me a $8k severance package (so i pray i can chillout a lil bit on that). I told my wife if worst comes to worst i'll just have to filled the big ugly BR, becuz that would be a nightmare if we were to loss our home (NO WAY, NO HOW im letting that happen) . So stay strong brother, God has something better for the both of us out there.
Corp, I don't know where you stand in relation to Christ (i.e. whether you've become a Christian or not) so I don't know if you'll take much solace from others praying for you. Still, I'll add my prayers to those posted in this thread.

I know that getting laid off from a short-term assignment was very difficult. I have trouble imagining what it would be like to get laid off from a position I held for four years.

Since you're in Canada, you might have some success asking other Canadian community members about local job opportunities. (Yes, I realize Canada is a big country and I don't know where in Canada most of our Canuck friends live, but it might be worthwhile to ask.) I only ask that if you do decide to create a thread like that, though, please post it in CGA General.